114 Ridgeway129 Eastfield Road12 North End1 Hillcrest Avenue37 London RoadA12 BridgeA34 BridgeA45 RoundaboutAbbey DriveAbbey RoadAbbey WayAbbotsford RoadAbbots GardensAbington ParkAbington Park CrescentAbington Square (Stop A1)Abney ParkAcademyAck Lane EastAcorn CloseAcre LaneAdnitt RoadAlastorAlbany RoadAldborough Road South (Stop Nu)Alderley StreetAldiAlfred StreetAllen RoadAllens HillAll Saints ChurchAlton CentreAngel Court (Stop Gb)Anker StreetArmoury RoadAsdaAsh GroveAshton RoadAshton-Under-Lyne Interchange (Stand N)Ashurst DriveAspinall StreetAthol RoadAusterbyAvenue RoadBagley Wood RoadBakers LaneBaker StreetBalfour Road / Crowfield House (Stop Ps)Balfour Road / Lexfield HouseBankfield RoadBarley Lane (Stop C)Barn End FarmBarnsley Road/Highgate LaneBarnsley Road/Probert AvenueBarnwell DriveBartholomew Way AsdaBarton RoadBarton Seagrave HallBawdsey Avenue(Beanfield) Barnsley SquareBeck RoadBeech RoadBeechwood RoadBeehive Lane (Stop Cj)Beggars HillBelfry House HotelBelgrave AvenueBenn RoadBentley Country ParkBeresford Terrace / Highbury Estate (Stop Cy)Bethell Avenue (Stop Va)Birch CloseBird StreetBiscay CloseBittern CroftBlackfriarsBlackmoorfoot Rd Standard DriveBlackmoorfoot Turning CircleBlenheim High SchoolBlock Lane (Stop F)BluegatesBooth Lane SouthBower RoadBowery AvenueBowes RoadBoxted AveBrace Of PistolsBradford DriveBramcote BarracksBramhall GreenBramhall High SchoolBramhall Station (Stop A)Bramhall Station (Stop B)Bramhall VillageBramley WayBransell CloseBrecknock Road (Stop V)Brentnall StreetBriarwood Road TurnBridge RoadBrightlingsea RoadBroadwayBrooke GreenBrook FarmBrooks CloseBroomsideBruntwood LaneBryans GarageBurnham Green RoadBurrfield DriveBury LaneBus Interchange (Stop 11)Bus Interchange (Stop 13)Bus Station (Bay 2)Bus Station (Stand B3)Bus Station Stand O (Stand O)Bus Station (Stop 6)Bus Station (Stop K)Bus Station (Stop L)By-PassCabin GateCaludon Centre (Stop Wg)Camberwell DriveCamden Road Brecknock Road (Stop K)Camden Road / Hillmarton Road (Stop G)Camden SquareCannon StreetCanonburyCapel PlaceCarlton Parade (Stop L)Carr LaneCarr Wood RoadCastle RoadCastle WayCathedral RoadCauston RoadCedar RoadCedar WayCemeteryCemetery LaneCentral Drive - Rock RoadCentral Drive - ShopsCentreChadderton Park RoadChadderton Precinct (Stop A)Chadwell Heath Lane /Barley Ln (Stop B)Chalk Farm Station (Stop Cc)Chamber RoadChambers Road (Stop L)Chapel PlaceChappell CentreCharles StreetChase RoadCheadle Hulme StationCheadle RoadCheapside Stand FChedlee DriveChessington CloseChesterfield RoadChestnut Avenue/SandygateCheviot AvenueChiltern RoadChilton HallChilton Lane - Trafalger StChurchChurchill WayChurch InnChurch Lane Cricket GroundChurch Ln Heath RoadChurch RoadChurch StreetChurch Street Interchange (Bay B)Church Street Interchange (Bay C)Church Street Interchange (Bay J)Clacton Garden CentreClapton Station (Stop D)Claremont RoadClare RoadClarke CourtCleveland RoadCliff Road (Stop L)Clissold Cres /Stoke Newington (Stop Pl)Clissold RoadClutha RoadClydesdale LodgeCoach Road CornerCoal Pit LaneCochrane TerraceCockton Hill ClubColchester Railway Station (Stand B)Colchester RoadCole CourtCollingwood Street-Greenwells GarthConway RoadCo-OpCoopers Lane ShopsCopperfield RoadCopster Place(Corby) Chapel Lane(Corby) Conservative Club(Corby) George Street Stop A (Stop A)(Corby) George Street Stop D (Stop D)(Corby) Kingdom Hall(Corby) Surgery (Stop J)(Corby) Surgery (Stop K)(Corby) The White Hart PhCottage GardensCottage InnCottersmore AvenueCoundon Road EndCountry ParkCounty HospitalCourt Farm AvenueCoventry Road (Stop Vj)Cox LaneCoxley ViewCragsideCranford RoadCrosland Heath Golf ClubCrosland Hill Rd Tom LaneCrosland Hill Road Turning CircleCross RoadCrosswaysCrouch FarmCroysdale AvenueCugley RoadCumberland AvenueCurates WayDalton StreetDarent Valley HospitalDavenport Rail Station (Stop C)Davenport Rail Station (Stop D)Dean Bank Aged MinersDean Bank Hackworth StDean Bank Newcomen StreetDean Bank VillasDean Bank Youth ClubDearne Road/Mill ViewDelaine DepotDesborough DriveDevonshire Park RoadDobbies Corner - Mt Pleasant VwDoctors LaneDolben AvenueDonard DriveDownshaw Road
Drummond RoadDryclough Road TopDryden RoadDudley RoadDurham RoadEady RoadEarls HallEastfield RoadEcton Brook RoadEden Arms - WestEdward RoadEgham ShopsEldon ArmsElizabeth WayElmsleigh Bus Station (Stop 1)Elmslie CloseElsden RoadEnid WayEnterprise RoadEpsom Hospital (Stop Q)ExcelsiorFairview DriveFarmFarm LaneFarnham DriveFelks Stile Road Blackmoorfoot RdFelstead RoadFieldshead Bungalows(Finedon) Dolben Arms PhFinedon Street(Finedon) The TowerFir Tree AvenueFirwood ParkFive WentsFlorence GardensFold ViewFordwich RiseForgefield Court (Stop Sk)Forgefield Court (Stop Sz)Fountayne Road (Stop Up)Fox And HoundsFrancis StreetFrederick StreetFreegrove Road (Stop F)Frowick LaneFurlong Road/Chapel StreetFurlong Road/Kennedy DriveFurlong Road/Station RoadFurness RoadGants Hill Station / Cranbrook Road (Stop Ch)Gants Hill Station (Stop Et)GarageGatley Avenue(Geddington) Queen Street(Geddington) West StreetGeneral HospitalGeorge & Dragon PhGibraltar CrescentGillroyd Lane Causeway SideGillroyd Lane Meadow GreenGillroyd Ln Heights DriveGipsy LaneGipsy Lane TurnGladstone TerraceGlenfield DriveGlenn AvenueGlenside SouthGoldsel Road BridgeGoldthorpe Green/Furlong RoadGoldthorpe Road/Washington RoadGolf ClubGoodmead Road (Stop D)Gordon StreetGoss HillGourham DriveGrand Central (Stop Rr)Grand Central (Stop Ww)Grasmere CrescentGrasswarren EstateGreat LawneGreenGreen Court RoadGreenhill RoadGreen LaneGreen Lane - Council OfficesGreen Lane CrossfieldsGreen Lane FarmGreen StreetGreenwood AvenueGrendon AvenueGrenfell GardensGrosvenor RoadGrove Park(Gt Harrowden) Kettering Road Crossroads(Gt Oakley) Barth Close(Gt Oakley) Briery Close(Gt Oakley) Hoppet Close(Gt Oakley) Little Meadow(Gt Oakley) Long Close(Gt Oakley) Lower Pastures(Gt Oakley) Morrisons SupermarketGuillemot LaneGun RoadHall AvenueHalliford CloseHall RoadHambleton RoadHandley RoadHare & HoundsHarmer CloseHathershaw LaneHawkins Grange FarmHawkins Hall LaneHawthorn RoadHaywayHead Street (Stop Ed)Health CentreHeathfield RoadHeath RoadHeginbottom CrescentHensmans LaneHereford StreetHertford North Railway Station (Stop A)Hertford North Railway Station (Stop B)(H'Ham Ferrers) Cemetery Lane(H'Ham Ferrers) Northampton Road(H'Ham Ferrers) Wharf RoadHighbury & Islington Station (Stop B)Highbury New Pk / Highbury Grove School (Stop Cs)Highbury Quadrant (Stop Pt)Highfield PlaceHighfield Rd Upper LaneHighfield RoadHigh StreetHigh Street/Angel StreetHigh Street/Barnburgh LaneHigh Street / Broomhill Road (Stop V)High Street / Carlton Parade (Stop P)High Street / Church Hill (Stop W)High Street/Church StreetHigh Street/Jackson StreetHigh Street /Orpington War Memorial (Stop R)High Street /Orpington War Memorial (Stop S)High Street (Stop J)Highways DepotHillside RoadHinckley RoadHmp Five WellsHolbush WayHolden StreetHollins RoadHolloway Delivery Office (Stop E)Holloway Nags Head (Stop M)Holloway Road Station (Stop Sy)Holyoake RoadHoly Trinity Church (Stop K)Homefield CloseHome Gardens (Stop E)Horbury AcademyHorbury Bridge AHorbury Bridge BHorbury Bridge CHorbury High StreetHorbuty Highfield RoadHorse & Jockey PhHorse Shoe HouseHorton ParkHospital Car Parks (Stop Wf)Hospital Interchange (Stop Uh3)Hostingley LaneHoughton Road/Merrill RoadHoughton Road/Shepherd LaneHoughton Road/Thornley CrescentHumber CloseHurstdene AvenueHuxlow SchoolHythe Railway StationIghtham CottagesIlford Station (Stop K)Instone Road (Stop R)Jack Watts EstateJameson RoadJames RoadJaywick LaneJohn Gray RoadJohn Lea WayKeb LaneKentish Town Post Office (Stop Ke)Kentish Town Road (Stop Kp)Kentish Town (Stop Lg)Kentish Town West Station (Stop Kr)Kenville RoadKenyon Lane(Kettering) 117 Pytchley Road(Kettering) 85 Pytchley Road(Kettering) Ivy Road(Kettering) Maple Road(Kettering) Oak Road(Kettering) Paradise Lane(Kettering) Pipers Hill Road(Kettering) Pytchley Road(Kettering) The Warren Ph(Kettering) Tresham Institute(Kettering) Venture Park(Kettering) Weekley Glebe Road(Kettering) Wicksteed ParkKilburn PlaceKiln WayKing George Hospital (Stop Aa)Kings Road(Kingswood) Hazel Leys School(Kingswood) Patrick RoadKirklees CollegeKitts Moss LaneKnowledge GatewayKnowle GreenLaburnum Road ShopsLadythorne RoadLadythorn RoadLake AvenueLangham PlaceLangley CourtLansdowne RoadLaurel AvenueLaurel RoadLea Bridge Roundabout (Stop B)Leaside RoadLeeholme Road EndLeisure CentreLeys RoadLey Street (Stop Nk)Lily StreetLime RoadLinden RoadLindsay AvenueLindsay RoadLinnet CloseLinthwaite ChurchLister StreetLittle Billing WayLivingstone HospitalLodgeLodge RoadLondon Road (Stop M)London Road (Stop U)Longfellow Road
LongfieldsLongroyd BridgeLongroyd LaneLongshut LaneLord StreetLord Street (Stop Nn)Lower Mounts (Stop A5)Lower Road / Derry Downs (Stop M)Lower Road / Derry Downs (Stop N)Lowfield Street (Stop L)Low Lane(Lt Harrowden) Orlingbury Road(Lt Harrowden) Wellingborough RoadLullingstone AvenueMail Cart PhMalden Road (Stop Pr)Mallory AvenueMallows DriveManchester RoadManor Farm AvenueManor Farm - Wood LaneManor GroveManor LaneManor RoadManygate LaneMarsh Farm CornerMarston LaneMascot SquareMasefield CloseMatthew Arnold SchoolMaude RoadMaudlyn RoadMedway DriveMeeting LaneMelbourne StreetMethodist ChapelMethodist ChurchMethodist Church (Stop M)MiddleboroughMiddlestown AcademyMiddlestown New RoadMiddleton Bus StationMidgleyMidland RoadMiles RoadMill CottageMill StreetMilton Crescent (Stop Er)Minerva WayMonmouth RoadMonmouth StreetMonread LodgeMorrisonsMorrisons (Stop I)Mount PleasantMount Pleasant HillMount Pleasant Lane (Stop Ut)Myrtle PlaceNabcroft LaneNags Head InnNene Park Nhs ClinicNetherfield RoadNetherton Highfield RoadNetherton LaneNetherton SchoolNevill RoadNewbury Park Station (Stop Nb)Newgate St Methodist ChNewgate Street - Medical CentreNew Lees StreetNew LodgeNew Rd Cross RoadNew Rd Green LaneNew RoadNew Road Oakland CrestNew StreetNien OordNightingale DriveNonsuch ParkNorthampton Bus Interchange (Bay 13)Northampton CollegeNorthampton RoadNorthbrook Road (Stop Vc)North Cheam / London Road (Stop D)Northcote RoadNorth DroveNorth Rd / Goodinge Health Cen (Stop X)Nowells LaneNuneaton RoadNursery DriveNursery RoadNursing HomeNutcroftOak DriveOaklandsOaklands DriveOakley Arms Ph(Oakley Vale) Bankside(Oakley Vale) Butland Road(Oakley Vale) Charter Court(Oakley Vale) Dumble Close(Oakley Vale) Morrisons Supermarket(Oakley Vale) Waver CloseOak RoadOaks Avenue (Stop V)Old Chapel RoadOldham RoadOlympic WayOrbit MewsOrchard House(Orlingbury) Rectory LaneOrpen HallOrpington Bus Station (Stop F)Orpington / Perry Hall Road (Stop K)Osborne Street (Stop Ad)Ottways LaneOutwood Primary SchoolPaling ClosePalmer ClosePams WayPark AvenueParkhurst Road / Holloway Nags Head (Stop B)Park LanePark Rd Church AvenuePark Rd College StreetPark RoadPark ViewParkwayParkway IslandPeak Street (Stop G)Pearmain AvenuePeel StreetPeel Street (Stop H3)Pelham StreetPenfold LanePhone BoxPickworths DrovePier Avenue (Stand D)Pilgrims WayPlantation RoadPleasance Theatre (Stop H)Plough RoadPlume Of Feathers PhPlymouth DrivePolice StationPolwell LanePoplars ClosePort LanePost OfficePound LanePrimary SchoolPrince Of Wales Road/ Queen'S Crescent (Stop Cs)Prospect AvenuePuddledock LanePump Hill GaragePurcell Avenue(Pytchley) All Saints Church(Pytchley) Bus Shelter(Pythcley) Lower EndQuaker LaneQuarry HillQueen AdelaideQueenswayRailway StationRailway Station Azalea DriveRailway Station Layby (Stand Ea)Railway Station Layby (Stand F)Raleigh Park RoadRamsdale RoadRaunds Asda(Raunds) Bus Shelter(Raunds) Cole CourtRaunds Co-Op StoreRaunds Football Club(Raunds) Red Lion Ph(Raunds) Shelmerdine RiseRavenswood CourtRavensworth Rd - Raby RoadRavensworth Rd - ShopsRedding CloseRed Hall FarmRed Lion PhRegency CloseRetail ParkReynolds Cross / Red Lion (Stop Sn)Reynolds Cross / Red Lion (Stop Sp)Ridge RoadRidgewayRiverholme DriveRiversdale Road (Stop Pk)Roaring Meg Retail Park (Stop A)Roaring Meg Retail Park (Stop B)Robin LaneRobins LaneRoden Street (Stop C)Rollo RoadRosabelle AvenueRose And CastleRose And Crown PhRoundaboutRoundhill RoadRouses LaneRowhill RoadRoxburgh RoadRoxford CloseRoyd House Lane(Rusden) Hayway(Rusden) Kilburn Place(Rushden) Adnitt RoadRushden Asda(Rushden) Barwick HouseRushden George StreetRushden Lakes (Stop 2)(Rushden) Oakley Arms Ph(Rushden) Rushden Lakes (Stop 1)(Rushden) Salvation Army Citadel(Rushden) Skinners Hill Layby (Bay 1)(Rushden) Station RoadRushden Waitrose(Rushden) White Arches CaravansRushyford DriveRussington RoadRuxley LaneSackville RoadSackville WaySainsbury'SSandygate/Buckleigh RoadSandygate/Riley RoadSandy LaneSassoon CloseSaville StreetSchoolScott BaderSeashell TrustSeven AcresShakespeare RoadShelmerdine RiseShepherd Lane/Station RoadShepperton Station ApproachShopping Centre (Stop C)Shopping Centre (Stop D)Simon CloseSimpson AvenueSouth CourtsSouth End Infant SchoolSouthgate Centre
South LaneSouth View - Central DriveSouth View Crescent (Stop Es)Sparrow Farm RoadSpelthorne GroveSpinney RoadSportsman DriveSportsman'S ClubSpringdale Avenue Bulay RdSpringwood Hall RoadSpringwood WaySquareStag LeysStaines Bridge (Stop C)Staines Bridge (Stop Z)Staines Railway Station (Stop D)Staines Railway Station (Stop T)St Andrew'S ChurchSt Andrews RoadSt. Andrew'S SchoolStanley DriveSt Ann'S RoadStanwell Street (Stop Bb)Stanwell WayStanwick Church HallStation ApproachStation HouseStation Road/Biscay WayStation Road/Lowfield RoadStation Road/Manvers WayStation Road (Stop C)Station Road (Stop D)St Bartholomews ChurchSt Botolph'S RoadSt Catherine'S ChurchSt Crispin RoadSt Edmund'S StreetSt Ignatius ChurchSt James ChurchSt James' LaneSt James' WaySt John'S Street (Stop Ca)St Joseph'S SchoolSt Leonard'S ChurchSt Margarets AvenueSt Mary Magdalene Church (Stop T)St Mary'S AvenueSt Mary'S HospitalSt Marys RoadStockfield RoadStockport College (Stop Ac)Stockport College (Stop Zz)Stockport Interchange (Stand P)Stocksmoor CommonStocksmoor FarmStoke Newington High Street / Garnham Street (Stop F)Stoke Newington Station (Stop Y)Stones Cross RoadStones Lane Chapel HillStones Lane High House LnStoresSt Osyth RoadSt Pauls CrescentSt Paul'S Road/Highbury Corner (Stop C)St Swithuns Primary SchoolSt Vincents RoadSubwaySunbury Cross Shopping CentreSurtees ArmsSwann LaneSwanspool HouseSweeps LaneTanglyn AvenueTaylor StreetTenpenny BridgeTenters Street Stand BTescoTesco StoreTewin Bury Farm HotelThames Street (Stop H)The AlbertThe Ashtead HospitalTheatreThe AvenueThe Beech TreeThe BirchesThe Blossoms (Stop C)The Bricklayers ArmsThe BullThe ChaseThe CrescentThe CroftThe FlagThe GreenThe Green Dragon HotelThe GriffinThe Horns PhThe Horseshoe PhThe Kings ArmsThe LadybrookThe Locomotive PhThe Old Swan PhThe Orange TreeThe PaddocksThe PloughThe Plough PhThe PointerThe Queens HeadThe Red LionThe RidgeThe Roebuck HotelThe Roundhouse (Stop Cf)The StreetThe Temple (Stop Sl)The Temple (Stop Sm)The Three FishesThe TilburyThe VictorianThe Viking PhThird AvenueThrift StreetThurnscoe Bridge Lane/CrossgateThurnscoe Bridge Lane/Derry GroveThurnscoe Bridge Lane/Nicholas LaneTollington Road (Stop S)Tom LaneTop Farm LaneTown CentreTown HallTown Railway Station (Stop B)Treble TileTree House AvenueTrinity GardensTubbenden Lane (Stop H)Tubbenden Lane (Stop J)Tudhoe Moor NurseryTufnell WayTwyford AvenueUpper Clapton Road (Stop Ur)Upper Clough Rd Clough DriveUpper GreenUpper Halliford Railway StationUpper RoadValentines Park (Stop Vb)Vale StreetValley RoadVicarageVicarage RoadVictoria StreetVilla FarmVillage HallVincent DriveVyners CloseWaingate Chapel HillWaingate ParkWaingate The RidgewaysWakefield Commercial ParkWaldens FarmWaldens RoadWalnuts Centre (Stop T)Walnuts Centre (Stop U)Walsgrave ChurchWardentree LaneWarren RoadWarwick Bailey CloseWarwick Grove / Wigan Estate (Stop Us)Warwick RoadWaterloo Road (Stop F)WaterworksWaterworks DriveWath Road/Coniston DriveWath Road/Cumberland WayWatling Street CemeteryWatts StreetWeavers Road(Weekley) Post Office(Wellingb') Broadway(Wellingb') Castle Way (Stop G)(Wellingb') Chester House Car Park(Wellingb') Church Street Bay A (Bay A)(Wellingb') Church Street Bay E (Bay E)(Wellingb') Denington Road(Wellingb') Hatton Park Road(Wellingb') Kilborn RoadWellingborough Road(Wellingb') Post Office (Stop F)(Wellingb') Redhill Grange(Wellingb') Roche Way(Wellingb') Sheep Street Stop H (Stop H)(Wellingb') Stanwick Lakes Country Park(Wellingb') The Dog & Duck Ph(Wellingb') Wharton Close(Welling') Hatton Park RoadWellington Grove (Stop A)Wellwick HouseWerneth ParkWest End CottagesWester Hill RoadWestfield AvenueWestfield DriveWestlands CourtWestley CloseWeston LaneWest TerraceWest WayWheatsheafWhite Arches CaravansWhite Cottage FarmWhitney RoadWhitworth CloseWhitworth RoadWhitworth TerraceWickfieldWilbye GrangeWilby LaneWildacre DriveWildbrook CrescentWilliam Patten School (Stop W)Wilmslow RoadWilshaw GroveWindmill RoadWindsor DriveWindybank FarmWinterton RoadWivenhoe CrossWivenhoe RoadWold RoadWollaston SchoolWoodcroft Scout CentreWoodlands RiseWood Lane - Raby RoadWood Lane - Walworth RoadWoodsmoor LaneWordsworth RoadWorking Mens ClubWorlds End PhWorple AvenueWrabness WayWrenn SchoolWymington RoadYarnells HillYews Hill Rd North StreetYews Hill Rd Park RoadYews Hill Rd Springdale AvenueYews Hill Rd Thomas StreetYew Tree Park Road
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