Open connection with no fees
Over 99.5% reliability (uptime)
Reliable and optimized information delivery methods
Superior quality for passengers
Apps for smartphones and tablets with leading positions in the" Google Play и App Store
Versatile and affordable web site, adaptable for all devices
High speed and refined service in a simple interface
Open source
Access to the source code under the MIT free license
Fork and modify sources according to your needs
Self-host on your own site

For transport agencies

Publish your data under an open license and add it to Bustime for free
Your GPS trackers provide data to passengers at what point they need to be at the stop to board your vehicle
Provide reports for transport, passengers, trip counts, kilometers, tracks
We accept formats: Arnavi, Galileo, GPS101, SAT-LITE, Vialon IPS, Vialon NIS (SOAP / Olympstroy), EGTS (ERA-GLONASS) or Android application

For information system operators

Expands passenger services without cost or risk
Receives data, analyzes it and provides it to passengers
Reduces the cost of passenger information support
Reduces infrastructure and software development costs

For drivers

Android app helps you fit your schedule and stay connected.
A tablet-based data collection terminal is a low-cost device that combines many features.
The driver evaluates the position on the route diagram, telemetry and other traffic in real time, allowing him to make decisions quickly.
Self-location transmission, voice communications, messages from dispatcher.

For passengers

Friendly and convenient information service for public transport passengers.

Websocket real-time updates based in GPS data
compressed protocol for small traffic consumption
customized user interrface
Talkback support for visually impaired
sound notifications
adaptive layout and tablet mode in the application
data quality warning
color schemes
public transport chat
Transport reviews
night mode
low-floor, ramp, logotypes
passengers on stops
customizable animation
start screen configuration
track history