12801 Rosecrans Avenue4Th St/Figueroa6Th St/Flower6Th St/HillAdelfa And Santa GertrudesAdelfa / AshgroveAdelfa/Santa GertrudesAlondra Boulevard And Elmcroft Avenue- NAlondra Boulevard And Graystone AvenueAlondra Boulevard And Gridley Road- N/WAlondra Boulevard And Madris AvenueAlondra Boulevard And Madris Avenue - N/Alondra Boulevard And Maidstone Avenue-NAlondra Boulevard And Mc Nab Avenue- N/WAlondra Boulevard And Mc Nab Avenue- S/EAlondra Boulevard And Piuma Avenue- N/WAlondra Boulevard And Piuma Avenue- S/WAlondra Boulevard And Studebaker Road- NAlondra Boulevard And Studebaker Road- SAlondra Boulevard Opposite Elmcroft AvenAlondra Boulevard Opposite Gridley RoadAlondra Boulevard Opposite Leibacher AveAlondra/MaidstoneBeach Boulevard And Fashion Square Lane-Beach/ImperialBeverley Boulevard And Citrus AvenueBeverley Boulevard And Floral DriveBeverley Boulevard And Pickering AvenueBeverly Boulevard And Citrus AvenueBeverly Boulevard And Floral DriveBeverly Boulevard And Greenleaf AvenueBeverly Boulevard And Norwalk BoulevardBeverly Boulevard And Palm AvenueBeverly Boulevard And Pickering AvenueBloomfield Avenue And Alondra BoulevardBloomfield Avenue And Anabella StreetBloomfield Avenue And Civic Center DriveBloomfield Avenue And Dante StreetBloomfield Avenue And Excelsior DriveBloomfield Avenue And Florence AvenueBloomfield Avenue And Hacienda DriveBloomfield Avenue And Lakeland RoadBloomfield Avenue At HospitalBloomfield/ImperialBloomfield/TelegraphCivic Center Drive And Bloomfield AvenueCivic Center Drive And Silverbow AvenueCivic Center Drive And Volunteer AvenueCivic Center Drive And Volunteer Avenue-Civic Center Drive At Amc TheatersCivic Center Drive Opposite Amc TheatersClark Avenue And Alondra Boulevard - S/EClark Avenue And Ives Street - N/E CornClark Avenue And Linden Street - N/E CoClark Avenue And Oak Street At Youth EmpClark Avenue And Somerset Boulevard- N/EClark/RosecransC Line StationDurfee Avenue And Michael Hunt DriveDurfee Avenue And Thienes AvenueEl Monte Station - Lower Bay 3/4Firestone Boulevard And Paddison AvenueFirestone Boulevard And Pioneer BoulevarFlorence Avenue And Fulton Wells Avenue-Florence Avenue And Norwalk Boulevard- NFlorence Avenue And Pioneer Boulevard- SFlorence Avenue And Ringwood Avenue- S/WFlorence Avenue At Kid ZoneFlorence Avenue At Lake Center AthleticFlorence/Orr & DayFlorence/PioneerFlower/BellflowerFlower Street And Ardmore Avenue - N/EFlower Street And Civic Center Drive- N/Foster Road And Bechard Avenue (Soropt.Foster Road And Bechard Avenue - S/W CorFoster Road And Greenstone AvenueFoster Road And Greenstone Avenue -S/E CFoster Road And San Antonio Drive- S/W CFoster Road And Shoemaker Avenue - S/W CFoster Road And Stanstead Avenue -S/W CoGrande Vista/OlympicGrande Vista/PicoGreenleaf Avenue And BroadwayGreenleaf Avenue And Hadley StreetHadley Street And Friends AvenueHadley Street And Painter AvenueHadley Street And Washington BoulevardHill/11Th StHill/12Th StHill/14Th StHill/7Th StHill/8Th StHill/9Th StHill/OlympicHill/PicoHil/VeniceHindu Temple (15311 Pioneer Boulevard)Idaho Street Opposite Las LomasImperial/FirestoneImperial Highway And 1St Avenue- S/W CorImperial Highway And Biola Avenue- S/W CImperial Highway And Bloomfield Avenue-Imperial Highway And Burgess Avenue- S/W
Imperial Highway And Carmenita Road- S/WImperial Highway And Fairford Avenue-S/EImperial Highway And Grovedale Drive- S/Imperial Highway And Hoxie Avenue- S/E CImperial Highway And La Mirada BoulevardImperial Highway And Leffingwell Road -Imperial Highway And Meyer Road- S/W CorImperial Highway And Ocaso Avenue- S/W CImperial Highway And Orr And Day RoadImperial Highway And Oxford Drive- S/W CImperial Highway And Paddison Avenue- S/Imperial Highway And Shoemaker Avenue- SImperial Highway And Studebaker Road-S/EImperial Highway And Tigrina Avenue- S/WImperial Highway And Valley View Avenue-Imperial Highway And Volunteer Avenue- SImperial Highway Opposite Fairford AvenuImperial Highway Opposite Jersey AvenueImperial/IdahoImperial/NorwalkImperial/PioneerImperial/Santa GertrudesLakeland Road And Arlee Avenue - S/W CorLakeland Road And Fulton Wells AvenueLakeland Road And Lakeland Road VillaLakeland Road And Paddison Avenue - S/ELakeland Road And Pioneer BoulevardLakeland Road Opposite Bombardier AvenueLambert Road And Beach Boulevard- S/E CoLambert Road And Idaho Street- S/W CorneLambert Road And Santa Fe Springs RoadLambert Road And Washington BoulevardLambert Road And Whitebrook Drive- S/E CLa Mirada/AlicanteLa Mirada Boulevard And Ocaso Avenue S/ELa Mirada/Civic CenterLa Mirada/ExcelsiorLa Mirada/Foster RoadLa Mirada/GranadaLa Mirada/HornellLa Mirada/ImperialLa Mirada/LeffingwellLa Mirada/MulberryLa Mirada/OcasoLa Mirada/RosecransLa Mirada/TacubaMar Vista/GreenleafMar Vista Street And Washington BoulevarMar Vista Street/GreenleafMetrolink StationMulberry/CalmadaMulberry/ColimaMulberry/GreeningMulberry/GunnMulberry/MaryknollMulberry/MillsMulberry/PainterMulberry/RuoffNorwalk/166ThNorwalk/AlondraNorwalk Boulevard And 161St Street (CorNorwalk Boulevard And Aegean StreetNorwalk Boulevard And Aegean Street- S/WNorwalk Boulevard And Aldrich Street- N/Norwalk Boulevard And Balfour Street- N/Norwalk Boulevard And Beverly Boulevard-Norwalk Boulevard And Bexley Drive- N/WNorwalk Boulevard And Bexley Drive- S/ENorwalk Boulevard And Cedarcrest DriveNorwalk Boulevard And Choisser StreetNorwalk Boulevard And Civic Center DriveNorwalk Boulevard And Coolhurst Drive- SNorwalk Boulevard And Crewe Street- N/WNorwalk Boulevard And Florence Avenue- SNorwalk Boulevard And Hermes Street- N/WNorwalk Boulevard And Lakeland Road- S/ENorwalk Boulevard And Mines Boulevard- NNorwalk Boulevard And Monte Vista Drive-Norwalk Boulevard And Oracle Street- S/WNorwalk Boulevard And Orange Grove AvenuNorwalk Boulevard And Orange Street- N/WNorwalk Boulevard And Orange Street- S/ENorwalk Boulevard And Paddison Avenue SqNorwalk Boulevard And Reichling Lane- S/Norwalk Boulevard And Slauson Avenue- N/Norwalk Boulevard And Tina Street- N/W CNorwalk Boulevard And Tina Street - S/WNorwalk Boulevard And Waddell Street- N/Norwalk Boulevard And Wakeman Street- SwNorwalk Boulevard At Metro Hospital MainNorwalk Boulevard Opposite Crewe StreetNorwalk Boulevard Opposite Oracle StreetNorwalk/ImperialNorwalk/Imperial (Ihop)Norwalk/WashingtonNorwalk/WhittierNsqOlympic/CamulosOlympic/DacotahOlympic/OrmeOlympic/SotoOrr And Day/FlorenceOrr And Day Road And Clarkman StreetOrr And Day Road And Clarkman Street- N/
Orr And Day Road And Davenrich StreetOrr And Day Road And Davenrich Street- SOrr And Day Road And Dunning StreetOrr And Day Road And Dunning Street- N/WOrr And Day Road And Whiteland Street- SOrr And Day/TelegraphPainter Avenue And Mar Vista StreetPainter Avenue And Penn StreetPainter Avenue And Philadelphia StreetPainter Avenue And Wardman StreetPainter/CullenPainter/La CuartaPainter/LambertPainter/Mar VistaPainter/OvalPainter/PennPainter/RussellPainter/WalnutPainter/WardmanPainter/WhitierPeck/ElliottPeck Road And Durfee AvenuePeck Road And Fineview StreetPeck Road And Garvey AvenuePeck Road And Klingerman StreetPeck Road And Meeker AvenuePeck Road And Mountain View RoadPeck Road And Rooks RoadPeck Road/ElliottPhiladelphia/MiltonPhiladelphia/PainterPhiladelphia/WashingtonPickering Avenue And Mar Vista StreetPickering Avenue And Walnut StreetPickering Avenue And Whittier BoulevardPickering/Mar VistaPickering/PennPickering/PhilidelphiaPickering/WalnutPickering/WashingtonPioneer/AlondraPioneer Boulevard And Alondra Boulevard-Pioneer Boulevard And Bluejay Lane- S/EPioneer Boulevard And Broaded Street- N/Pioneer Boulevard And Charlesworth Road-Pioneer Boulevard And Cheshire Street- NPioneer Boulevard And Excelsior Drive- NPioneer Boulevard And Excelsior Drive-S/Pioneer Boulevard And Foster Road- S/E CPioneer Boulevard And Lindale- S/E CornePioneer Boulevard And Lindale-S/W CornerPioneer Boulevard And Los Nietos Road- SPioneer Boulevard And Mapledale Street-Pioneer Boulevard And Orange Street- S/EPioneer Boulevard And Slauson Avenue- S/Pioneer Boulevard At Little Lake ParkPioneer Boulevard At Neighborhood CenterPioneer Boulevard Opposite Bluejay LanePioneer Boulevard Opposite Cheshire StrePioneer Boulevard Opposite Los Nietos RoPioneer/FlorencePioneer/RosecransRalphsRamona Boulevard And Lexington AvenueRamona Boulevard And Santa Anita AvenueRamona Boulevard And Tyler AvenueRamona Boulevard And Valley BoulevardRio Hondo College NeRio Hondo College SwRosecrans And PioneerRosecrans Avenue And Adelfa Drive N/E CoRosecrans Avenue And Ardis Avenue - S/ERosecrans Avenue And Bellflower BoulevarRosecrans Avenue And Biola Avenue N/E CoRosecrans Avenue And Cabell - S/E CorneRosecrans Avenue And Carmenita Road N/WRosecrans Avenue And Clarkdale Avenue N/Rosecrans Avenue And Dinard Avenue N/E CRosecrans Avenue And El Espejo Road N/ERosecrans Avenue And Elmcroft AvenueRosecrans Avenue And Figueras Road N/E CRosecrans Avenue And Flallon Avenue N/WRosecrans Avenue And Grayland Avenue N/ERosecrans Avenue And Greenstone Avenue NRosecrans Avenue And Greenstone Avenue SRosecrans Avenue And Harvest Avenue N/ERosecrans Avenue And Jalon Road N/E CornRosecrans Avenue And La Fonda Drive N/ERosecrans Avenue And La Mirada BoulevardRosecrans Avenue And Marquardt Avenue N/Rosecrans Avenue And Norwalk Boulevard NRosecrans Avenue And Santa Gertrudes AveRosecrans Avenue And Studebaker Road N/ERosecrans Avenue And Valley View AvenueRosecrans Avenue At The Masonic CenterRosecrans Avenue Opposite Bloomfield AveRosecrans Avenue Opposite Dumont AvenueRosecrans Avenue Opposite S Bloomfield ARosecrans/ShoemakerRush Street And Durfee AvenueSan Antonio Drive And Firestone BoulevarSan Antonio Drive And Foster Road- N/W CSan Antonio Drive And Front Street- N/ESan Antonio Drive And Olive Street- N/E
San Antonio Drive And Olive Street- S/WSanta Fe Springs Road And Los Nietos RoaSanta Fe Springs Road And Mulberry DriveSanta Fe Springs Road And Slauson AvenueSanta Gertrudes Avenue And Stanbrook DriShoemaker Avenue And Foster RoadShoemaker Avenue And Shoemaker Avenue CtShoemaker Avenue And Tom White WayShoemaker Avenue And Tom White Way - S/WShoemaker Avenue At Golf CourseShoemaker/RosecransSlauson Avenue And Alburtis Avenue- N/ESlauson Avenue And Alburtis Avenue- S/ESlauson Avenue And Millergrove Drive- N/Slauson Avenue And Millergrove Drive- S/Soto/Rio VistaSoto/WashingtonStudebaker Road And Borson StreetStudebaker Road And Imperial HighwayTelegraph/CarmenitaTelegraph/Carmenita Road (Mcdonalds)Telegraph/ NorwalkTelegraph/NorwalkTelegraph Road And Bloomfield AvenueTelegraph Road And Bloomfield Avenue - NTelegraph Road And Greenleaf AvenueTelegraph Road And Greenleaf Avenue - N/Telegraph Road And Jersey AvenueTelegraph Road And Jersey Avenue - N/W CTelegraph Road And Laurel Avenue - N/W CTelegraph Road And Painter AvenueTelegraph Road And Painter Avenue - N/WTelegraph Road And Pioneer BlvdTelegraph Road And Pioneer BoulevardValley Boulevard And Johnson AvenueValley Boulevard And Peck RoadWashington/AlamedaWashington/Alameda -R/RWashington/AllportWashington/AppledaleWashington/ArrowmillWashington/AtlanticWashington/AyersWashington/BluffWashington Boulevard And Lambert RoadWashington Boulevard And Putnam StreetWashington / Broadway La EWashington/Broadway Sf Sp EWashington/CentralWashington/CommerceWashington/CrosswayWashington/EasternWashington/GarfieldWashington/GayhartWashington/Grande VistaWashington/GreenwoodWashington/GriffithWashington/HepworthWashington/HooperWashington/IndianaWashington/LambertWashington/LeoWashington/Loch AleneWashington/Long BeachWashington/MainWashington/MapleWashington/MillergroveWashington/MontebelloWashington/NaomiWashington/NorwalkWashington/OakWashington/O NeillWashington/ParamountWashington/PassonsWashington/Pico VistaWashington/PioneerWashington/PutmanWashington/Railroad BridgeWashington/RiveraWashington/RosemeadWashington/San PedroWashington/Santafe BridgeWashington/SaybrookWashington/SorensenWashington/TelegraphWashington/TrinityWashington/VailWoodruff/AlondraWoodruff Avenue And Flora Vista Street-Woodruff Avenue And Rosecrans Avenue - SWoodruff Avenue And Somerset Boulevard-NWoodruff Avenue And Woodruff Avenue Pl.-Workman Mill Road And Cliota StreetWorkman Mill Road And E Mission Mill RoaWorkman Mill Road And Mission Mill Road-Workman Mill Road And Pioneer BoulevardWorkman Mill Road And Pioneer Boulevard-Workman Mill Road And Rose Hills Gate #Workman Mill Road And Rose Hills (Main GWorkman Mill Road And Rose Hills Road- SWorkman Mill Road And Sierra Morena AvenWorkman Mill Road And Spy Glass Hill RoaWorkman Mill Road Opposite Rose Hills MaWorkman Mill Road Opposite Sierra Morena
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