102 The Green Road4AA40 Risinghurst TurnA73Abbeyfield DriveAbbeyfieldsAbbey HouseAbbotsford RoadAbbotswoodAbergavenny GardensAbnalls LaneAcademy StreetAcocks Green Village (Stop Aj)Acorn ViewAdams RdAddison Rd (Stop Kc)Addison Rd (Stop Kg)Addison SquareAdelphi Hotel (Stop Ba)Affleck AvenueAgincourt RoadAinslie Wood Road (Stop V)Aintree LaneAintree University Hospital (Stop B)Aintree University Hospital (Stop D)AirfieldAirport HotelAirport Industrial Est NorthAirport Industrial Est SouthAirport (Stop C)Alauna AvenueAlbert Davie DriveAlbert RoadAlbert StreetAlbert St (Stop Ms9)Albutts RdAlcester AcademyAlcester RoadAlder Park RoadAldershaw RdAldi StoreAldridge Post OfficeAldridge RoadAldridge Shopping CentreAldwych CloseAlexander CloseAlexander StreetAlexandra DriveAllan AvenueAllotmentsAll Saints Centre (Stop Kk)All Saints Centre (Stop Km)All Saints ChurchAll Saints ParkAlmond CloseAlmscliffe Village HallAlpha Road (Stop A)Alpha Road (Stop B)Alumwell CloseAlumwell RoadAlumwell SchoolAlveston TurnAlwynAmbarrow CrescentAmblers MillAmbrose RiseAmersham RoadAmesbury Drive (Stop G)Amesbury Drive (Stop V)Amington InnAnchor BridgeAnchor InnAnglesey RoadAngorfa CloseAnixterAnnsfield RoadAnson AvenueApex RdApostle ChurchApperley Bridge Rail StationApperley Lane Acacia Prk DrApperley Lane Cliffe DrApperley Lane Rail StationApperley Lane Springwood RdApperley Lane Woodhouse Grove SchAppian CloseAppleshawn CrescentApril CottagesArchers Business ParkArdencote RdArden CottageArden RoadArnold Road (Stop Sh50)Arnold Road (Stop Sh51)Artel CroftArtists CornerAscot DriveAsdaAsda StoreAshbourne Bus Station (Stand 2)Ashbrook LaneAshbrook RdAshlands CloseAsh LaneAshleigh RoadAshmead HallAshmead TurnAshmole CloseAshton RoadAsh Tree InnAsh Tree RoadAshurst CourtAsquith Ave Gelderd RoadAsquith Ave Nepshaw LaneAsquith Avenue Deanfield AveAsquith Avenue DeanswayAstley StreetAtherstone StreetAttwood RoadAtwood RoadAulton RdAveling Park Road (Stop Bj)Aveling Park Road (Stop Bl)Avenue Retail ParkAvenue Road (Stop R)Avisyard AvenueAvon AvenueAxwell View-Parkside AvenueAxwell View-Sports GroundBack LaneBadgers WayBadland AvenueBailey DriveBakehouse LaneBakers LaneBaker StreetBakewell Drive (Stop Tv10)Bakewell Drive (Stop Tv13)Bakewell Road Bus Station (Stand 6)Balgavies Loch Nature ReserveBalustradeBandywood CrescentBankhead DriveBankhead LoanBankhead MedwayBankside CrescentBank TopBarcheston RdBargower Riding SchoolBarlow CourtBarmoor Lane-Cypress GroveBarmore AvenueBarnard RdBarn CloseBarnsley Road/Billingley Green LaneBarnsley Road/Bly RoadBarnsley Road/Dudley DriveBarnsley Road/Highgate LaneBarnsley Road/Nanny Marr RoadBarnsley Road/Nicholas LaneBarnsley Road/North StreetBarnsley Road/Recreation LaneBarnsley Road/Woodhall CloseBarnsley Road/Woodhall RoadBarn Street (Stop Kb)Barn Street (Stop Kd)Barnwell LaneBarracks MuseumBarr Beacon CrossroadsBarr Beacon SchoolBarr Common FarmBarr Common RdBarrows LaneBartonfields Garden CentreBarton LodgeBarton MarinaBarton RoadBarton TurnBassett StBathford BridgeBattery Retail ParkBaxter LogsBay Horse Royston HillBayton Lane JctBazile RoadBeachamp RoadBeacon CourtBeacon GardensBeacon HillBeacon Hill FarmBeacon ParkBeacon RiseBeacon RoadBeard'S LaneBeauchamp RoadBeaulieu AvenueBeckerley LaneBedehouse LaneBedford Street NorthBeecham WalkBeech AvenueBeech GroveBeech Hill (Stop B)Beech RoadBelgravia RoadBellBella Pais CloseBellevueBell InnBell LaneBell Lane (Stop Nj)Bell On The CommonBell RdBelmont StreetBelvedere CloseBennett RdBenson ViewBernard Street (Stop Sh43)Bernard Street (Stop Sh59)Berwick AvenueBestwood Park Drive West (Stop Rp17)Betworthy EstateBeverley HillBierley BarBillingley Green Lane/Chapel LaneBirchfield RoadBirch Tree LaneBirdwood GroveBirley Moor Road/Birley Vale AvenueBirley Moor Road/Hopefield AvenueBirley Moor Road/Wardlow RoadBirmingham HospiceBirmingham RdBirmingham RoadBishopton CloseBishop Vesey'S SchoolBishton LaneBitterscote LaneBlackford RoadBlackheathBlacklands CrescentBlackroot RdBlacksmith LaneBlackthorn CrescentBlackthorn RoadBlackthorn WayBlackwood DriveBlackwood RoadBlagrave Street (Stop Eo)Blantyre RoadBlaydon Bank-Alice StreetBlaydon Bank-Croftdale RoadBlaydon Bank-Monarch TerraceBlaydon Bus StationBlenheim WayBletchley DriveBlithbury RoadBloomfield CrescentBlount AvenueBlue Coat SchoolBlue Lane WestBly Road/Clarney AvenueBlythsford RdBoat HouseBoatmans LaneBoggart Hole CloughBolebridge StreetBoley CloseBoley Park CentreBolton JunctionBond StreetBootBooth CloseBooth Holme CloseBorers CloseBorrowcop LaneBorrowdale RoadBottetourt RdBournbrook ManorBournville LaneBower LaneBowling ChurchB & QBrabham CrescentBrackenhill RoadBrackleys WayBradford Rd Appleshawn CrescentBradford Rd Dean Park DriveBradford Rd Healey Croft LaneBradford Rd Potovens LaneBradford Rd Whitegates CloseBradford Rd Whitehall CrescentBradford Road Bowling AveBradford Road Brandy Carr RdBradford Road Brayshaw RdBradford Road Carr Gate FarmBradford Road Fox LnBradford Road LibraryBradford Road Link RdBradford Road Providence MountBradford Road Ruskin AveBradford Road SunnyfieldBradford Road Wood ViewBradford StreetBraeBraeside CottagesBramley Road (Stop J)Brampton AveBranch EndBranston DepotBranston Road (Stop K)Branton Hill LaneBreedon Cross BridgeBreedon RdBrettenham Road (Stop Cf)Brewers DriveBrewster CloseBriarBriarfield GardensBrickiln StBrickrowBridge Cross RoadBridgeside CloseBridge St Bridge CourtBridge StreetBridgford AvenueBridle LaneBridlewoodBright StreetBrinklow RdBristol & Glos Gliding ClubBristol RdBroad LaneBroadstone RoadBroad WalkBroadwaters DriveBroadwayBroadway NorthBroadway RoadBroadway (Stop C)Broadway (Stop D)Broadway (Stop E)Brocklands FarmBrockwell RdBrompton RdBromsgrove St (Stop Ps2)Bromsgrove St (Stop Ps3)Bromwich DriveBronstone StablesBrook EndBrookes University (Stop B5)Brookhouse RdBrookland RoadBrooklands CrescentBrooklands NurseryBrooklands Way (Stop B)Brooklands Way (Stop M)Brookside RoadBroomfield AvenueBrownhills Business ParkBrownhills Memorial HallBrownhills RoadBrownlow HillBrownsfield RoadBrowns LaneBrunswick StreetBuccleuch StreetBuchanan DriveBuckingham RoadBuckmaster WayBulls CrossBulls Cross TriangleBulls HeadBurdett RoadBurleigh CloseBurndale PlaceBurnett RoadBurnfields CloseBurnhall StreetBurnham MeadowBurnside LaneBurntwood RoadBurton AvenueBurton LaneBurton RoadBus GarageBus Mall (Stop Ms16)Bus Point (Stand 2)Bus Point (Stand 3)Bus StationBus Station (Stand 1)Bus Station (Stand 10)Bus Station (Stand 2)Bus Station Stand 23 (Stand 23)Bus Station (Stand 3)Bus Station (Stand 4)Bus Station (Stand 5)Bus Station (Stand 6)Bus Station (Stand 7)Bus Station (Stand 8)Bus Station (Stand D)Bus Station (Stand E)Bus Station (Stop L)Butchers ArmsButler'S GroveButter CrossButtercup WayButterysButts LaneBy-Pass BridgeCable CarCadnam CloseCaedonian RoadCairnscadden RoadCaiystane ViewCalder DriveCalthorpe CourtCalthorpe RdCambridge StreetCambridge WayCamp Lane (Stop Cb)Canal BridgeCanalside FarmCanberra Rise/Caernarvon CrescentCanberra Rise/Coronation DriveCanberra Rise/Melbourne AvenueCanewdon RoadCaptains LaneCaraway DriveCardigan AvenueCardinal WayCare HomeCarlingwark StreetCarlton RoadCarpenters ArmsCarr Head Lane/Canberra RiseCarr Head Lane/Thurnscoe RoadCarrs Lane (Stop Ms20)Carsington FieldsCartbridge LaneCartbridge Lane SouthCarters LaneCartmel CourtCartmel CoutCastlecroftCastle Douglas LibraryCastleknowe GardensCastle RdCastle RoadCastley LaneCathedral NCathedral PCathedral SCatrine RoadCatton HallCauser RoadCavendish Drive (Stop A)Caversham LaundryCawston LaneCazenove RoadCearl CourtCedar DriveCemeteryCemetery RoadCentenary HouseCentral AvenueCentrum East Retail ParkChadderton Park InnChadderton WayChaddesden Lane EndChamberlayne HouseChapel End LaneChapelfields SchoolChapel LaneChapel RoadChapel StreetChapel Street/Stradbroke RoadChapelton CottagesCharlemont RdCharles Ii (Stop Rp10)Charles RdCharlotte Road/Queens RoadCharlwood AvenueChaselandsChase Side / Southgate High Street (Stop L)Chase Terrace AcademyChase ValeChell Road (Stand B1)Cherry OrchardCheshire AvenueChester Street (Stop C)Chestnut AvenueChestnut Avenue/SandygateChestnut CloseChestnut RoadCheverell RoadChevin AvenueChingford Mount (Stop E)Chingford Old Church (Stop X)Chingford Old Church (Stop Z)Chinn BrookChitham CloseChorley RoadChristchurch LaneChurchChurch DriveChurchfield Primary AcademyChurch HallChurch HillChurch LaneChurch RoadChurch Square (Stop A)Church Square (Stop B)Church StreetCity Hospital (Stop Sh48)City Hospital (Stop Sh53)City PlumbingCity Road/Eastern AvenueCity Road/Elm TreeCivic HallClanfield RoadClarence AvenueClarence RdClarence RoadClarke StreetClayhanger LaneClayhanger VillageClaypits LaneCleland RoadCley RoadClifford Arms PhCliffs PavilionClifton AveClifton Road (Stand A)ClockClocksbriggsClock TowerClovenstone RoadClowes Street (Stop A)Clowes Street (Stop B)Clunbury RdCoachCoalheath LaneCoalpit LaneCobbett RoadCockCockayne AvenueCockfosters Station (Stop B)Cockit HatCokefield AvenueColdhurst StreetColesbourne RdColeshill RdColeshill Road BridgeColeshill StColinton Mains LoanColinton Mains RoadColinton VillageCollege GroundsCollege Street BottomColletts FieldsCollier LaneColliery RoadCollingwood CentreCollinsfieldColmore DriveColony HallComberford RoadCommerce WayCommercial Street ECommon Barn FarmCommon LaneCondor RoundaboutConiston WayConnolly AvenueCoombehurst CloseCo-OpCo-Op Car ParkCo-Op StoreCope StreetCopper GladeCoppice LaneCoppice RoadCoppice StreetCoppy Hall GroveCopse CloseCopthorne RdCornelCorn ExchangeCornhillCornwall RoadCornwell ManorCornwell TurnCoronation RoadCorporation StreetCorporation St (Stand N)Corporation St (Stand Q)Corporation St (Stand R)Corpus Christi Rc Primary SchoolCosta CoffeCoton AvenueCotswold RoadCottage Farm RoadCottage LaneCottage PlaceCotteridge Island (Stop Ce)Cotteswold Crest SchoolCotton Grass DriveCoughton CourtCounty HospitalCourt CrescentCoverdale RdCowgateCow Hill LaneCozens LaneCranmore RdCrawcrook Lane-Main StreetCrawcrook Lane-Stannerford RoadCrawley LaneCrematoriumCremorne RdCricket GroundCrimple Garden CentreCroft RdCrompton DriveCrooks LaneCross Farm RdCross KeysCross Lane EndCrossroadsCrossroads Primary SchoolCross Street/Tannery StreetCrossway LaneCrowden RoadCrownCrown LaneCrown StreetCrowstone RoadCroxteth Comp SchoolCroxteth Hall LaneCrucian WayCrumpsall ValeCubert RoadCulham CloseCull AvenueCulmington RdCumberland Drive (Stop L)Cumberland RoadCurborough RoadCushy Cow LaneCuttinglye RoadCuttle BrookDaffodil DriveDale House (Stop Ms22)Dale Road 180Dale Road ShopsDalton StDame Alice Owen'S SchoolDaneville RoadDark LaneDarris RoadDarwall St
Davaar AvenueDavey CloseDaylesford Infant SchoolDearne Road/Mill ViewDearne Road/South DriveDeer CloseDeer Park RoadDell Farm LaneDelme ArmsDerby Road Briar GateDerry WayDevon Way (Stop Le)Devon Way (Stop Lf)Dewsbury CrescentDeykin RoadDickinson Street (Stop So)Dickson TimberDimons DaleDingle LaneDobbies Garden CentreDobree CloseDoctor Johnson PhDoctors SurgeryDogpool LaneDoncaster Road/Balkley LaneDoncaster Road/Cliff RoadDoncaster Road/Fitzwilliam RoadDonegal WalkDormans Station TurningDouglas CrescentDove CloseDovecote CloseDown End RoadDowning DriveDrake CrescentDrayton AvenueDrayton CloseDrayton LaneDrayton Manor ParkDruids LodgeDrummond HouseDrury LaneDryburgh RoadDuke RoadDumblederry LaneDumfries And Galloway Royal InfirmaryDumfries Railway StationDunjargDunvegan Drive (Stop Rp12)Dursley CloseDursley Hospital (Main Entrance)Dyas RdDyke Vale Road/Normanton Spring RoadDyke Vale Road/Spa Brook DriveDyneley Arms PhEardley Road (Stop Bw08)Eardley Road (Stop Bw15)East Bank Road/Daresbury RoadEast Bank Road/Eastern CrescentEast Bank Road/Hallyburton RoadEast Bank Road/Myrtle RoadEast Bank Road/Thornborough RoadEastbourne RoadEastbury DriveEast CourtEastern AvenueEastern Avenue/Algar DriveEastern Avenue/Algar RoadEastern Avenue/Berners RoadEastern Avenue/City RoadEastern Avenue/Dagnam RoadEastern Avenue/Eastern CrescentEastern Avenue/Eastern DriveEastern Avenue/Edenhall RoadEastern Avenue/Errington RoadEastern Avenue/Northern AvenueEastern Esplanade Coach ParkEastern WayEastgateEastgate StreetEast Grinstead Station (Stop A)Eastlake CloseEast Lancs Park & Ride (Stop D)East ParkEast Road/Heeley Bank RoadEast ViewEaton Grange DriveEbury Road (Stop Sh42)Ebury Road (Stop Sh60)Eccleshill Community HospitalEccleshill LibraryEccleshill Retail ParkEccleshill Sports ClubEddies LaneEden RoadEdern Close (Stop Tv27)Edern Close (Stop Tv42)Edgbarrow RiseEdge Hill RdEdial FarmEdial House FarmEdinburgh CollegeEdinburgh DriveEdward RdEgerton RdElford RdElgin GardensElizabeth DriveElliot DriveElliot RoadElliots FieldElliot Street (Stop Gd)Elmbridge RdElmdale DriveElmdon RdElm Tree RdEnglish StreetEntranceEntrance RoadErnespie RoadEtchell RoadEttrick CourtEtwall RdEvans CloseEverlands JunctionEversley MountEversley Park RoadEvesham Bus Station (Stand C)Evesham Country ParkExeter RdFairfield LaneFairfield ShopFairlawn DriveFairlawnsFairmile AvenueFairmilehead CrossroadsFair ViewFalcon ParkFalkner SquareFallow RoadFalmouth RdFalmouth RoadFanshawe RdFarewell LaneFar Lady CroftFarm CloseFarmer JohnsFarmhouse Road EndFashoda RdFazakerley RoadFazakerley Station (Stop D)Featherstall Road NorthFeatherstall Road North (Stop F)Featherstone RdFelbridge HotelFelbridge NurseriesFelbridge SchoolFernhurst StreetFerrers RoadFerrey RoadFerry StreetFestival GardensField LaneField RoadField StreetFinger PostFinkle LaneFircoombe HallFire StationFirfield AvenueFirrhill High SchoolFirs AvenueFirst AveFir Tree Drive SouthFish BarFishpond CottagesFishpond HotelFitton ParkFive Elms FarmFive Ways InnFlaxhall StFlaxhill SchoolFlaxton Way (Stop Tv14)Fleet HouseFlora CloseFoley Church CloseFoley CourtFoley WoodFootball GroundFop StreetForbury Road (Stop El)Fordhouse LaneForesterseat Road EndForest Gates (Stop Fo07)Forest Gates (Stop Fo15)Forest Hill TurnForest RoadForest Road / Bell Corner (Stop Bh)Forest Road / Bell Corner (Stop Bm)Forest Road (Stop Fo08)Forewoods CommonForge CloseForge GarageForge LaneFormosa DriveForrester High SchoolForsythia CloseFoscot TurnFotherley Brook RoadFour Lane EndsFour Oaks Rail StnFourth AvenueFox And HoundsFox Hollies Leisure CentreFoxhunter DriveFox InnFox LaneFrancis RoadFrank Gee CloseFranklin DriveFrederick Road (Stop N)Frederick StreetFreesia AvenueFreeth RdFrench AvenueFreston Gardens (Stop D)Friar Street (Stop Fj)Friar Street (Stop Fp)Friary AvenueFriday LaneFriezland LaneFrog LaneFrogston AvenueFulbrook FarmFulbrook GroveFullbrook AvenueFulwith Mill LaneGable ViewGagarinGainsborough DriveGainsford Crescent (Stop Bw06)Gainsford Crescent (Stop Bw17)Gala Bingo (Stop Bw09)Gala Bingo (Stop Bw14)Galloway AvenueGaol Square (Stand 1)Gaol Square (Stand 4)GarageGarden CentreGardener'S ArmsGardener'S Arms (Stop J)Garden Wood RoadGarrick StreetGarroch Business ParkGatehouse TheatreGate LaneGateside StreetGaydon RoadGaymore RoadGenista CloseGeorge AvenueGeorge & Dragon PhGeorge Street/Henry StreetGeorge Street/Milmoor RoadGeorge Street/Pitt StreetGerrantonGibbins RdGibby WayGigha GardensGilbertstone AveGildersome Ch StGildersome GreenGillheadGillity VillageGilmerton Dykes AvenueGilmerton Dykes CrescentGipsy LaneGladstone RoadGlascote Primary AcademyGlebe EstateGlebe StreetGlencroft CloseGlendale DriveGlendower RdGlensford Gardens (Stop Rp14)Gloucester Green Bus Station (Bay 9)Godstone RoadGoffs ParkGoffs Park RoadGogarburn A8Gogar RoundaboutGogarstone RoadGolf ClubGood Hope HospitalGoose LaneGoring DriveGracechurch Centre (Stop Sj)Gracemount Leisure CentreGrace RoadGrainger CourtGrammar SchoolGrange AvenueGrange DriveGrange GardensGrange HillGrange LaneGrange Park RoadGrange RoadGranville AvenueGranville RoadGrasmere RoadGravelly LaneGrayling DriveGrays RoadGreat Charles StGreaves AvenueGreenGreenbank DriveGreenbank LaneGreen Dragon Lane (Stop F)Greenfield RdGreenfieldsGreengates CrossroadsGreengates Retail ParkGreengate (Stop C)Greengate (Stop D)Greenhead RoadGreenhead Road EndGreenhill Park RoadGreen Hill WayGreenholm RdGreen LaneGreen ManGreen Man PhGreenoak PlaceGreen Road RoundaboutGreen Road (Stop P)Green StreetGreenwayGreenwich RoadGreenwood ParkGregory AveGresford AvenueGressel LaneGribble RoadGriffin CloseGrove End Grove LaneGrove House RoadGrove RdGuildhallGuildhall Shopping Centre (Stand 2)Guild RoadGyle Centre (Stop Kf)Gyle RoundaboutGyle SquareGypsy LaneHadley WayHailesland PlaceHalfway House PhHalifax AvenueHallcroft WayHall Green LaneHall LaneHall Lane Chingford Mount (Stop J)Hall Lane Chingford Mount (Stop L)Hall Moss RoadHallstead RdHamelin StreetHamilton PlaceHamilton StreetHammond CrescentHampton Road (Stop W)Hangmans LaneHarborne JunctionHardwick RdHardwick RoadHarmans MeadHarringay RdHarrington AvenueHarrington StreetHarrogate Rd Otley Old RdHarrogate Rd Parkin LaneHarrogate Rd Stockhill RoadHarrogate Road Apperley RdHarrogate Road Carr Bottom RdHarrogate Road Laburnum PlaceHarrogate Road Ravenscliffe AveHarrogate Road TenterfieldsHarthillHartshill RdHarwood GroveHarwood RoadHatherton LakeHatherton Rd (Stop We)Haunch CloseHaverhill Crescent (Stop Rp15)Hawksley StreetHawkwood CrescentHawkwood Crescent (Stop W)Hawthorne AvenueHawthorn GroveHaxted RoadHayling CourtHayward RdHayway LaneHazelcroftHazel Road-Linden RoadHazel Road-Maple RoadHazel Slade Primary AcademyHazelwell StHazelwood RdHeadingstone PlaceHeadington School (Stop B9)Headington Shops (Stop Hs2)Health CentreHealth Centre (Entrance)Heathbridge CloseHeathcote DriveHeath Croft RdHeather CloseHeathfield Road (Stop Sh49)Heathfield Road (Stop Sh52)Heath WayHeaton StreetHedging LaneHednesford RdHeeley Bank Road/Olive Grove RoadHeeley Bank Road/Spurr StreetHeins CloseHemmingen CourtHenderson CloseHenley CloseHenley CrescentHenshaw LaneHenshaw Lane Henshaw AveHenshaw Lane Sizers CourtHerbert RoadHeritage CourtHermes RoadHermitage RdHeron StreetHerontye DriveHewston CroftHexham Old RoadHexham Old Road-ChurchHexham Old Road-Church RiseHgte Bus Stn Stand 7Higham Station AvenueHighbridgeHighbury RdHighcroftHighfieldHighfield Rd IslandHighfield RoadHighgate Lane/Commercial RoadHighgate Lane/MeadowgatesHighgate Lane/Prospect RoadHighgate Lane/West View CrescentHigh StreetHigh Street/Back LaneHigh Street/Crabtree DriveHigh Street/Mount AvenueHigh Street/Pear Tree CloseHigh Street/Pinefield CloseHigh Street/School StreetHigh Street (Stop L2)Highview GardensHighwood AveHillcrest CloseHilldrop GroveHillside CloseHillside DriveHills MeadowHills RoadHill StreetHill Top AvenueHill Top ViewHilton HotelHintlesham AvenueHislop RoadHobs MeadowHole In The Wall EstateHolford DriveHoliday InnHolland ParkHolland RoadHollie Lucas RdHollies Park RoadHollinwood Metrolink (Stop G)Hollinwood Metrolink (Stop H)Hollister DriveHolly AvenueHollybank CloseHolly WalkHolme LaneHolm View CloseHoly Trinity SchoolHomebaseHoneysuckle DriveHopton GreenHopton RoadHopwas HillHornie PlayparkHorse And GroomHorse And Jockey PhHorsefairHospital RoadHospital StreetHotspur RdHough LaneHouse No. 18Howdle'S LaneHubert RdHudson DriveHullbrook RdHumphrey Middlemore DriveHundred Acre RdHunters InnHunters Inn PhHuntingdon Street (Stop Fo09)Huntingdon Street (Stop Fo12)Huntington Terrace RoadHurley CommonHutchinson CloseHydrant WayHyron Hall RdIan Mikardo WayIllsley Road/Highfield RoadImberhorne Upper SchoolIngestre RdInglemere GroveInglewood GroveIngliston Park & RideIngsfield Lane/Canberra RiseInterchange (Stand 3)Interchange (Stand W)Interchange (Stand Y)Islington CrescentIvegateIvy LaneIvy Lodge CloseJacey RdJack StreetJames Young AvenueJasmine RoadJeffery CloseJennie Lee WayJerome RdJervoise RdJessie RdJewel Road (Stop Ba)Jewel Road (Stop Bn)Jockey FieldsJohn Taylor High SchoolJordan RdJubilee Playing FieldJubilee WalkJude WalkJute CloseKabete LodgeKaimes CrossroadsKatherine HouseKean CloseKeepers CottageKeir Hardie AvenueKelynmead RdKennedy StreetKennels And CatteryKensington DriveKensington RdKerria RoadKeswick RdKeylineKidderminster Bus Station (Stand 9)Kilbrennan AvenueKilmarnock PrisonKilmiston DriveKing Edward Road-Alexandra GardensKing Edward Road-Simpson StreetKing Edward SchoolKingfisher WayKing George'S FieldKings ArmsKings AvenueKingshayes RoadKings Heath ParkKingsley RoadKingsmead SchoolKings Norton ParkKings Norton Station (Stop Ca)Kings Norton Station (Stop Cc)Kings RoadKings Road CavershamKings Road JunctionKing'S Road JunctionKingstanding CircleKingstanding LibraryKingstanding Police StationKingstanding Post OfficeKing St Moorside RoadKing StreetKing St Spring GardensKingswood CrescentKinver CrescentKinver LaneKipling WayKirk RoadKirkwayKitchener RdKitebrook FarmKnighton DriveKnights Bridge RdKnights HillKnights Wood CloseKnoll Road (Stop H)Knoll Road (Stop K)Knowle HillKnowles Park WestKursaalKyngsford RdLabernum AvenueLaburnham CourtLaburnum AvenueLaburnum RdLadypool CloseLakeside Industrial ParkLakeview AvenueLakey LaneLamb & Flag PhLambourne RoadLambridgeLamont CrescentLandau Forte AcademyLangford GroveLangley CloseLangridge WayLarches WayLarch RoadLarkspur WayLarks Wood CloseLarkswood Road (Stop U)LashmereLasswade GroveLatelow RdLaundry LaneLaurieknoweLavelock LeaLavender WayLazy HillLazy Hill RdLea CloseLeadmill Street/Mortimer StreetLeafenden AvenueLea Hall LaneLea Hall Rail StationLea Hall RdLeamington GroveLearning CentreLeathley Lane EndLea Valley CampsiteLea Valley Road (Stop H)Lea Valley Road (Stop U)
Leicester StreetLeighswood SchoolLeinster RoadLeisure CentreLeitrim AvenueLeonard Avenue (Stop Sh45)Leonard Avenue (Stop Sh57)Leonard RoadLibby'S DriveLibraryLibrary GardensLichfield RdLichfield Trent Valley Rail StationLifford HallLifstan Way BridgeLifstan Way SouthLilac RoadLillingstone AvenueLime GroveLime KilnLime Tree DriveLime Tree RdLindens Primary SchoolLingfield RacecourseLingfield Railway Station (Stop A)Lingfield RoadLink Road Cyprus MountLinley RdLion StreetLister AvenueLister LaneLittle Aston Hall DriveLittle Aston LaneLittle BrancoteLittle Germany ULittle Germany VLittle Hardwick RdLittle Sutton LaLittleworth HillLittleworth RoadLloyd'S BankLochside CrescentLochside PlaceLochview MotelLochview Motel (Entrance)Lockhaugh Road-Dominies CloseLockhaugh Road-Hollin Hill LaneLockhaugh Road-Thornley LaneLock Keepers CloseLocksideLockwood RdLode Heath SchoolLodge GroveLodge HouseLodge LaneLodge RoadLongacresLongbridge IslandLongbridge Station (Stop Lg)Longbridge Station (Stop Lh)Longford AvenueLongleat RoadLongmoor RdLongmore RdLongstaff AvenueLongwall AvenueLongwood HouseLongwood LaneLongwood RoadLonsdale RoadLord Williams Upper SchoolLoreburne Centre (Stance 1)Lorenzo DriveLorton StreetLower Church RoadLower End Bus ShelterLower Essex StLower FarmLower Sandford StreetLower Tower StLowlands AveLowther StreetLukes LaneLulworth RdLyn AvenueLyndhurst GardensLyndhurst GroveLyndhurst RoadLyndon RdLyneham CloseLysways LaneMace RoadMagdala StreetMagnusMaida Avenue (Stop J)Maida Avenue (Stop T)Main EntranceMain RoadMain Road-Barmoor TerraceMain Road - Reasby GardensMain Road-Runhead EstateMain Road - WatermillMain St Arthington LaneMain StreetMain Street - Kepier ChareMain Street-Meadow LaneMalham RoadMalthouse CloseManchester Crown Court (Stop Ww)Manchester Royal Infirmary (Stop S)Manica CrescentMannering Gardens SouthManor Court DriveManor FarmManor FieldsManor RdManor RoadManse CourtMansfield Park (Stop L)Mansfield Park (Stop R)Mansfield Road/Applegarth DriveMansfield Road/Cadman RoadMansfield Road/Hollinsend RoadMansfield Road/Hollybank RoadMansfield Road/Mansfield DriveMansfield Road/Newlands DriveMansfield Road/Sharrard RoadMansfield Road/Stanhope RoadMansfield Road/Wadsworth RoadMansfield Road/Woodhouse RoadMansion DriveManston ViewMarcot RoadMarcus AvenueMargaret Rose AvenueMarie Curie HospiceMarine Activities CentreMarkethillMarket PlaceMarkets (Stop Mk2)Market StreetMarlborough RoadMarling SchoolMarlpit LaneMarquis DriveMarsh AvenueMarshgate RoadMarsh RoadMarston ParkMarston RdMascotteMasson MillsMaxtock AvenueMaxwell CloseMaxwell StreetMaxweltown West ChurchMay LaneMcarthurglenMcarthurglen Outlet (Stand A)Mcarthurglen Retail Outlet (Stand B)Mcculloch DriveMcdonaldsMcdonalds RestaurantMciver CloseMeadow Brook RdMeadowbrook RoadMeadow CloseMeadow CroftMeadow Hill RdMeadowsideMeadway StreetMease AvenueMeasham GroveMeasham WayMeath AvenueMedway RdMelton AveMelverley GroveMemorialMemorial HallMerchant AvenueMerchiston Castle SchoolMercian WayMere Green RdMere Green ShopsMerevale RdMerrywalks (Stop J)Metchley CourtMetchley Hall (Stop Uf)Metchley ParkMethodist ChurchMetropolitanMetropolitan CathedralMicklefield LaneMicklefield Lane Queen StMiddle Acre RoadMiddlemore LaneMiddleton LaneMiddleton TopMidland DriveMidland RdMill BankMill CrescentMillennium Medical CentreMillers CloseMill Farm PhMillfields Picnic AreaMill LaneMills CroftMilner RdMilton StMirfield RdMoat House InnMonastery RoadMonkfrith Way (Stop Q)Monks WayMoor LaneMoorpark RdMoorside RoadMoorway DriveMoreton Paddox TurnMorland RdMorledge (Stop C8)Morley RoadMorley Town Hall AMorley Town Hall CMorrell Bank (Stop Bw11)Morrell Bank (Stop Bw12)Morrisions StoreMorris Man PhMorrison Road/Clarehurst RoadMorrisonsMorrisons StoreMorris StreetMortonhall Park AvenueMortonhall Park GardensMossbank AvenueMoss WayMoston Rail Station (Stop L)Moston Rail Station (Stop M)Motorway Service Area (Entrance)Mount Echo Drive (Stop K)Mount Echo Drive (Stop S)Mount PleasantMowbray StMuirhead DriveMullwood CloseMundle AvenueMurcot TurnMurrayburn ParkMurroes SchoolMuseumMyrtle StreetNanscawen RoadNapton GroveNash SquareNational Memorial ArboretumNature CentreNatwest BankNeedwood HillNelson StreetNetherstowe LaneNew Bath HotelNewearth RoadNewey RdNew Hayes RoadNewlands DriveNewleazeNewman GroveNew Park CloseNew RoadNew StreetNew Street (Stand 7)New St Station (Stop Ns4)New SwanstonNewton StreetNewtown BridgeNigel AvenueNightingale RoadNinian WayNire RoadNo. 129No. 39No. 50No. 98Noel AvenueNorbury RdNorfolk CrescentNorman Harris HouseNormanton Spring Road/Dyke Vale RoadNorrington Gate FarmNorth AvenueNorthfield RdNorthfleet AvenueNorth LodgesNorth Manchester General Hospital (Stop A)North Manchester General Hospital (Stop C)North RdNorthside DriveNorth Street (Stand D)North View RoadNorthwick HotelNorthwold DriveNorton Canes Business ParkNorton Canes High SchoolNorton Canes Primary AcademyNorton CloseNorton East RoadNortune CloseNorwood CrescentNottingham RoadNottingham Road CemeteryNtu City Campus (Stop G3)NumberNurseryNursery StreetOak CloseOakdene RoadOak DriveOaklands CloseOak ParkOaktree RoadOatlands CornerOccupation RdOddingley RdOgley RdOld Church RdOld Clough LaneOlde Englishe RoadOld Fallow AvenueOld Farm Road (Stop Tv07)Old Farm Road (Stop Tv33)Oldfield RoadOldfields RoadOld Hall LaneOldham Bus Station (Stand E)Oldham Bus Station (Stand F)Oldham Kidney Care CentreOldham Kidney Care Centre (Stop K)Old LaneOld LibraryOld Lindens CloseOld Market StreetOld Mill HouseOld Mining College CentreOld Park Ridings (Stop Z)Old Post OfficeOld Repertory Theatre (Stop Ns8)Old SchoolhouseOld School NurseryOlive BushOlive ParkOlton ParkOnley Prison TurnOnslow CrescentOrchard GroveOrchard StreetOrchard View NurseryOrion WayOrmesby Primary SchoolOrrell LaneOrrell Park Station (Stop E)Overtown RoadOxbridge WayOxford StreetOxford Street (Stand B)Oxgangs AvenueOxgangs LibraryOxgangs Primary SchoolOxgangs TerraceOyster ClosePackington LanePadstow Road (Stop Bw10)Padstow Road (Stop Bw13)Paget High SchoolPaley RoadPamela ClosePannal Car BootPares WayParish ChurchPark AvenuePark CornerPark End Street (Stop D5)Parkfield CourtParkfield LodgePark GatePark Hill RoundaboutParklandsPark LanePark RoadParkview Academy (Stop Tv32)Parkview Academy (Stop Tv35)Parkview RoadParkwayParthenon DrivePasture WoodPather StreetPauls MeadPayne WayPear Tree CornerPeel CentrePeel DrivePeghouse RisePelham Road (Stop Sh41)Pelham Road (Stop Sh61)Pelsall CenotaphPendleton Church (Stop Q)Pennington AvenuePennymoor RoadPeploe DrivePerrycrofts CrescentPerryman DrivePerry ParkPerry Road (Stop Sh46)Perry Road (Stop Sh56)Pershore DrivePershore RdPetherick RoadPetrol StationPeveril AvenuePheasant Field DrivePheasey ChurchPhone BoxPierce AvePike Fold Primary SchoolPillans AvenuePinckney GreenPine Hill Close (Stop Rp09)Pinfold DrivePipehill FarmPipe MarshPlantation LanePlatt StreetPlaying FieldPlough & Harrow PhPlovers RisePolefield RoadPolice StationPool Bank CourtPool Bank FarmPool Bank New Rd Old LanePoole CrescentPopes LanePoplar RoadPortland ParkPortman RoadPortway PlacePost OfficePoynings AvenuePrecinctPrimary SchoolPrimley ClosePrimrose BankPrimrose LanePrince Of WalesPrince Of Wales RdbtPrinces RoadPrincethorpe RdPrior Road DepotPriorway Avenue ShopsPriorway GardensPriory AvenuePriory RdProsen PlaceProspect HillPullan Avenue Harrogate RdPullan Avenue Moorside RdPullan Avenue Victoria RdPurcell AvenuePye Green RoadPyll House FarmQuakers LaneQuarry Hills LaneQuarry RdQuee LaneQueen Elizabeth GsQueen Elizabeth Hospital (Stop Qb)Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Stop Qc)Queen Elizabeths DriveQueens Lane (Stop J3)Queens Rd Harland CloseQueens Rd Queens AvenueQueens RoadQueens Road/Charlotte RoadQueens Road/Cream StreetQueens Road/Duchess RoadQueens Road/Farm RoadQueens Road/St Mary'S RoadQueen StreetQueenswayQueens WayQueen Victoria HospitalQueslett RdQuillings WayRackstrawsRail StationRail Station TurnRailway Approach (Stop D)Railway BridgeRailway StationRailway Station (Stop R1)Railway ViaductRailway ViewRake End CourtRalph CrescentRavenhill TerraceRavens CourtRaven'S CourtRavensdale GardensRavenstor RoadRawdon Cross RoadsRayneswayReading CourtRectory LaneRedbrook LaneRedcliffe Road (Stop Fo06)Redcliffe Road (Stop Fo31)Redford BarracksRedheughs AvenueRed LionRed Lion LaneRednock SchoolRedruth RdRedvers DriveRedwood DriveRegents Park RoadReginald Road SouthRehabilitation CentreRein Rd Tingley CrescentRein RoadRein Road Tingley CommonRenault TrucksReservoir StreetRevelstoke Way (Stop Rp16)Reynolds CloseRice Lane And Walton Station (Stop C)Rice Lane And Walton Station (Stop D)Richardson WayRichmond AvenueRidgefield (Stop Wx)Ridgeway Park (Stop P)Ridgeway Park (Stop Q)Ridge Way (Stop Tv28)Ridge Way (Stop Tv41)Ridley'S CornerRiffa BeckRiffa Business ParkRiffa Farm Lane EndRigton Lane EndRiland RdRipon RdRise Park Road East (Stop Rp08)Rise Park Road West (Stop Rp07)Rising Sun IslandRiver DriveRiversmillRiverwayRoad EndRobin Hood IslandRobins CroftRobson CloseRochdale RoadRockhouse DriveRodbaston CollegeRodney StreetRoebuck InnRookery LaneRookery RdRose And CrownRosedene CloseRosefinch DriveRosemary Hill RdRoseneath Avenue (Stop Rp13)Roslin HotelRotherham Road/Edward StreetRotherham Road/Middlecliffe LaneRotherham Road/Middlecliff LaneRotherham Road/Oak Haven AvenueRotherham Road/Thurnscoe LaneRotherham Road/Turner StreetRoundabout - Cargo Fleet LaneRowan CloseRowden Park Gardens (Stop Cc)Rowden Road (Stop Ct)Rowood DriveRowplatt LaneRoyal BankRoyal OakRoyal Oak CloseRoyal Oak PhRoyal Oldham Hospital (Stop A)Royal Oldham Hospital (Stop C)Royal United HospitalRoyston Hill Stoney LaneRuckley RdRufford WayRugeley RoadRushall Medical CentreRushden CroftRussell Bank RdRussell Bank RoadRussell StreetRustic CottagesRuswarp CrescentRuth AvenueRyder St (Stop Jw2)Rykneld StreetRyknild StreetRylands RoadRyton VillageSackville College (Stop K)Sackville College (Stop L)Sackville SchoolSacred Heart ChurchSainsburysSainsbury'SSainsbury'S StoreSale LaneSalford CathedralSalford Central Rail Station (Stop Wy)Salford Crescent Rail Station (Stop B)Salford TurnSalisbury DriveSalisbury RoadSaltersbrook Road/Nanny Marr RoadSaltway CentreSamuel Johnson HospitalSancroft RoadSandfield RoadSandflats StreetSandford CloseSandhills Home FarmSandhurst LibrarySandhurst StationSandleazeSandscroft AvenueSandy BrowSandygate/Buckleigh RoadSandygate/Festival RoadSandygate/Riley RoadSandy Hill RdSandy LaneSandys ArmsSandys AvenueSandy WaySankeys CornerSansome RdSaracens HeadSaxon Wood Close (Stop Nl)Scarborough CloseScholes DriveSchoolSchoolacre RiseSchool LaneSchool RdSchool StreetScotland Head-Park LaneScotland Head-Snook Hill CottagesScotland Head-Stephenson WayScotland Head-West LaneScott StreetScratton Road
Sebright WalkSedgefield RoadSedgemere RdSedgemoor RoadSeeds LaneSelkirk DriveSelly Hill RdSelly Oak StationSerpentine RdSeven Acres RdSeventh AvenueSevern RdSewage WorksSewardstone GardensShabbington TurnShacklecross CloseShannon DriveShaw CroftShawfield CrescentSheaf Street/Harmer LaneSheffield InterchangeSheffield Road/Ashpool CloseSheffield Road/Bishop HillSheffield Road/Stradbroke RoadSheffield Road/Swallow Wood CourtSheffield Road/Twitchill DriveSheffield Road/Wolverley RoadSheldon Hall AveShell GarageShenley AcademyShenley GardensSherburn Tower EstateSherburn Tower Estate- LilleycroftSherburn Tower Estate-LilleycroftSherburn Tower Estate-Snipes DeneSherburn Towersestate-Snipes DeneSheringham CovertShetcliffe Lane TopShibdon Bank-Hazel TerraceShibdon Road-West ViewShieldhill RoadShire Oak CloseShire Oak HillShire Oak HouseShirley Rail StnShirley Rd EastsideShortbutts LaneShort LaneShort StShoulder Of MuttonShrewsbury Arms PhShropshire Brook RoadShuckburgh RoadShugars GreenShutlock LaneSich LaneSidon Hill WaySilkstone Road/Alport AvenueSilkstone Road/Dyke Vale RoadSilkstone Road/Silkstone CrescentSilkstone Road/Silkstone DriveSilkstone Road/Wickfield GroveSilver StSimmonds CourtSion HillSir George Monoux College (Stop Bk)Sitwell StreetSkelcher RdSkip LaneSlade BrookSlang LaneSlitting Mill RoadSlopers Pond FarmSmallbrook RoadSmiddySmith StreetSmithy DriveSnape Hill Road/Doveside DriveSnape Hill Road/Havelock StreetSnape Hill Road/New StreetSnape Hill Road/Snape Hill RoadSnape Hill Road/South ViewSneddon AvenueSnow HillSolihull CollegeSolihull GateSolihull HospitalSolihull Rail Station (Stand G)Solihull Rail Station (Stand H)Solihull Station Interchange (Stand D)Solihull Station Interchange (Stop T2)Solihull Town Centre (Stop Sc)Solihull Town Centre (Stop Sl)Somerfield CloseSorrel CloseSouth And City College (Stop Lb)Southbourne AvenueSouthbourne GroveSouthbourne PlaceSouthchurch AvenueSouth DriveSouthend Central Railway Station (Stop M)Southfield DriveSouthfield NurseriesSouthgate Asda (Stop K)Southgate (Stop B)South Gyle Crescent LaneSouth Gyle Trade ParkSouthhouse LoanSouth Kingennie Road EndSouth Queen St St Pauls StreetSouth Staffordshire CollegeSouthwood CrescentSpar StoreSpeedwell RdSpeedwell Street (Stop S1)Spernal Ash GarageSpread Eagle PhSpringfield LaneSpringhill RoadSpylaw BankSquareStacey Avenue (Stop Tv09)Stacey Avenue (Stop Tv15)Stagg HillStaite DriveStandard RoadSt Andrews RdStanegateStannerford Road-Crawcrook LaneStannerford Road-East ViewStannerford Road-FarmStapenhill GardensStargate Lane - Hexham Old RoadStargate Lane-Hollybush GardensStargate Lane-Middle RowStatfold LaneStation RdStation Rd (Stop Af)Station Rd (Stop Ca)Station Rd (Stop Cq)Station RoadStation Road/Biscay WayStation Road-HollydeneStation Road/Manvers WayStation Road - Stirling LaneStation Road/Valley RoadSt Augustine'S AvenueSt Clements Street (Stop C)Steep CloseStephenson WaySt Faiths RoadSt Francis CollegeSt Gabriels Catholic Primary SchoolSt George'S ChurchSt Giles'S ChurchSt Helens RoadStile Cop RoadSt James ChurchSt James'S ChurchSt James Square (Stop Cp)St Johns ChurchSt John'S ChurchSt John'S CloseSt Johns GroveSt Johns RoadSt John'S StreetSt Lawrence'S ChurchStly WoodSt Margaret'S ParkSt Mark'S ChurchSt MarysSt Mary'SSt Marys AbbeySt Marys ChurchSt Mary'S ChurchSt Marys RoadSt. Marys RoadSt Matthews ChurchSt Michael And All Angels ChurchSt Michael And St James ChurchSt Michael RoadSt Michaels ChurchSt Michaels RoadStonebridge LaneStonebrook WayStonedale CrescentStonedale CresentStonefont CloseStone Quarry EstateStoneydelph Primary SchoolStoneyford Road/Station RoadStonnall GateStonyford Road/Station RoadStore And Post OfficeStoresStornoway RoadSt Pauls ChurchSt Pauls StreetSt Peters ChurchSt Peter'S ChurchSt Peter'S Square (Stop Sd)St Pier'S LaneStradbroke Road/Sheffield RoadStratford CollegeStratford High SchoolStravenhouse RoadStreatham AvenueStreethay Primary SchoolStreetly LaneStreets CornerSt Saviour'S ChurchSt Thomas Aquinas SchoolSt Thomas Moore SchoolSt Thomas Road (Stop J)St Wilfrid'S SchoolSuffolk Road/Turner StreetSummer PalaceSunningdale CourtSunny GroveSunnymeadSunnysideSutton AvenueSutton Oak CornerSutton Park Primary SchoolSwallow CroftSwallowfieldSwallowhurst CrescentSwan CentreSwan Corner Shopping CentreSwan HotelSwan RoadSwans Corner RoundaboutSwanston RoadSwimming PoolSycamoreSycamore DriveSycamore RoadSydney StreetSyerscote LaneSyke Rd Meadow WaySyke Rd Syke AvenueSyke Rd Syke GardensTalbot RoadTamar CloseTam O'Shanter PhTamworth RdTamworth RoadTannery Street/Tannery CloseTarbolton RoadTeesdale Road (Stop Sh44)Teesdale Road (Stop Sh58)Telephone ExchangeTennis AvenueTescoTesco StoreTeviot HouseTeviot Road (Stop Bw07)Teviot Road (Stop Bw16)Tewit Well AveTewnalls LaneThe AgincourtThe ApproachThe AvenueThe AvionThe BaldwinThe BarberryThe Bell InnThe BramblesThe BroadwayThe BungalowThe ButtsThe CastleThe ColebrookThe CourtyardThe CrematoriumThe CrescentThe CroftThe Croft Primary SchoolThe CrossThe Crown PhThe Dog InnThe DriveThe DukeThe Duke'S HeadThe ElmsThe Foley ArmsThe FoxThe Fox InnThe Friary SchoolThe GarageThe GateThe GladesThe GreenThe Greenway South EndThe Hall CloseThe HillwayThe Journeys EndThe LarchesThe Learning HubThe Lock InnThe Lygon ArmsThe MeadowsThe Meadows (Entrance)The MilestoneThe MillThe MoorThe Octagon CentreThe Old BarnsThe Old Bush InnThe Old ChapelThe Old Post OfficeThe OleasterThe OsiersThe Park View CentreThe PikeThe PloughThe Plough InnThe Plum PuddingThe PoolThe Porch HouseThe Prince AlbertThe Prospect PhThe QueslettThe Rawlett SchoolThe Redmore InnThe RiddingsThe RidingsThe Royal ExchangeThe Royal Oak PhThe SeagullThe Seaway Car ParkThe SquareThe Square Peg (Stop Pq1)The Star InnThe Tame Otter PhThe TriangleThe TurnThe Turnpike PhThe VatchThe VineriesThe WharfThe White Horse PhThe WhytmoreThe WillowsThomas Alleynes High SchoolThomas Russell SchoolThorndene WayThornescroft GardensThornhill Park And Ride (Stop B)Thornhill Park And Ride (Stop E)Thornhill Park And Ride (Stop F)Thornley Lane-Glamis CrescentThornley Lane-HollinhillThorpe Bay CornerThorpe Bay Railway StationThorpedene LibraryThorpe EsplanadeThorpe Hall AvenueThree Bridges Station (Stop A)Three Bridges Station (Stop B)Throckmorton ArmsThurlow DriveThurlston AveTilia RoadTiltwood DriveTingley MillsTinkley CornerTintagel WayTiverton AcademyToll CrescentToll GateTollgate LaneToms Town LaneTong CemeteryTong Lane EndTong St Tennis AvenueTop Valley Terminus (Stop Rp03)Touchwood Hall CloseTown HallTown Hall (Stand B)Town Hall Stop 3Toy Lane TurnTrafalgar InnTrenley RoadTrent CollegeTrent Country ParkTrent StreetTrent Valley CottagesTrent Valley RoadTrevelyan CrescentTrinity AvenueTrinity ChurchTrinity RoadTrispen RoadTrowbridge StreetTudor Grange AcademyTudor RoadTuppenhurst LaneTurlow FieldsTurnTurnbull RoadTurner CourtTurning CircleTurves Green Boys' SchoolTwaybladeTyldesley Square (Stop D)Tyler WayTyne StreetUley RoadUlleries RdUmberslade RdUnicorn RoadUnion RdUnion StreetUnit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4University Of ManchesterUniversity Of SalfordUniversity Shopping Centre (Stop D)Upfield WayUpland RdUpper Cross RoadUpper Newington StreetUsher StreetUtting Avenue EastVaal StreetValley NurseriesValley Rd North Holme StreetValley Rd Singleton StreetValley RoadValley Road (Stop Sh47)Valley Road (Stop Sh55)VanguardVentura Park RoadVerder Grove (Stop Tv31)Verder Grove (Stop Tv36)Veronica CloseVerwood DriveVibart RdVicarage RdVictoria AvenueVictoria Avenue Glenmere MountVictoria Centre (Stop J1)Victoria Centre (Stop T2)Victoria MeadowsVictoria MillsVictoria ParkVictoria RdVictoria Road Bus InterchangeVictoria Road Bus Interchange (Stand A)Victoria Street (Stand N2)Victoria Street (Stand S2)Victoria TerraceViewfield RoadVillageVillage HallViolet WalkVisitor CentreVulcan RoadWade LaneWaggon RoadWagon LaneWakefield Rd Bradford RoadWakefield Rd By PassWakefield Rd Fairfax AvenueWakefield Rd Oakwell RoadWakefield StreetWalcot GateWalkden RoadWalkers RiseWalkfield RoadWallace CloseWallheath CrescentWall TurnWalnut CourtWalsall Bus Station (Stand H)Walsall Bus Station (Stand J)Walsall Bus Station (Stand L)Walsall Bus Station (Stand N)Walsall Garden CentreWalsall RdWalsall RoadWalsall Town Hall (Stop Wf)Walthamstow Bus StationWalthamstow Bus Station (Stop C)Walthamstow / Crooked Billet Roundabout (Stop Ce)Walthamstow / Crooked Billet Roundabout (Stop Ch)Walthamstow Market Walthamstow (Stop G)Walthamstow Market Walthamstow (Stop J)Walthamstow Stadium (Stop Cd)Walthamstow Stadium (Stop Cs)Walton Hall AvenueWalton PrisonWalton RdWalton Road EndWardle WayWar MemorialWar Memorial (Stop F)War Memorial (Stop G)War Memorial (Stop H)War Memorial (Stop J)Warren PlaceWarwards LaneWashington RoadWaterford DriveWaterlands RoadWaterside HospitalWaterstock TurnWaterward CloseWater WorksWatford Rd (Stop Ck)Wath Wood Road/Woodlands RoadWatling St Primary SchoolWatmos HomesWatson StreetWayzgoose DriveWeavers CloseWeeford RdWeeton StationWeir BankWelford RoadWellesbourne MarketWellfield FarmWellfield RoadWellhead Lane (Stop Ph)Wellhead Lane (Stop Pk)Wellington ArmsWellington AvenueWellington CrescentWellington RoadWells GardensWells Green RdWemyss FarmWendell StreetWentworth WayWeoley Castle LibraryWeoley Castle Post OfficeWest AvenueWestbank RoadWestbourne RdWestcliff High Schools (Stop A)Westcliff High Schools (Stop C)Westcliff LibraryWestcliff PloughWestcliff Plough (Stop B)Wester Hailes ParkWester RestennethWesterton Frost CornerWesterton Rd Garden House LaneWesterton Rd Hesketh LaneWesterton Rd Smithy LaneWesterton Rd Syke RoadWesterton Rd Thirlmere DriveWesterton RoadWesterton Road EndWesterton Road Lonsdale RiseWestgate (Stop E5)West Heath RdWesthill RoadWestminster RdWestside Plaza (Stop 2)West Street (Stop B)Westward CloseWestwood RoadWeymoor RdWharfWharf RoadWharton RoadWhateley VillasWheatcroft RdWheatlands CroftWheats AveWheel CottageWhire HartWhitacre LaneWhitehallWhitehall (Stop P)Whitehills HcccWhitehouse LaneWhitehouse Ln Harrogate RdWhite Knights CottageWhitesands (Stance 5)White SwanWhitewell LaneWhitgreave LaneWhitminster CentreWhittington Arms PhWhittington OvalWhittington Primary SchoolWichnor RdWickfield Road/Dyke Vale RoadWickfield Road/Silkstone RoadWidney LaneWiggington RoadWigginton RoadWilbraham RdWilderwick FarmWildman BridgeWilliam AvenueWilliam Morris CourtWilliamson AvenueWillow AvenueWillowcroft RoadWillow RoadWilnecote LaneWilson RoadWilsthorpe IslandWindmill LaneWindsor RoadWinged SpurWingrave WayWinlaton Bus StationWinterton RdWinton DriveWishangerWishanger CrossroadsWishaw General HospitalWishaw RoadWitley DriveWolverhampton RoadWolverhampton StWoodberry WalkWoodborough Road (Stop Fo10)Woodborough Road (Stop Fo11)Woodbridge ParkWoodchester TurnWood End FarmWood End RdWoodfield DriveWoodgate LaneWoodhouse LaneWoodhouses RoadWoodkirk AcademyWood RoadWoodside DriveWoodside RdWoodside RoadWoodvale MewsWoodvale RoadWoodyard DriveWool HouseWoolnough LanWoolpack InnWorth Park AvenueWroxton RdWychall Farm SchoolWyndham CloseYanwath StreetYardley LaneYardley Lane EstateYardley Wood StationYeadon MorrisonsYeadon Town HallYew Tree CloseYork StYouth Hostel
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