bus near the stop

Type of transport: Bus
Serves: Transport UK
Route passes through: Streatham, Bromley, Lewisham, Westminster, Orpington, London

Route length: 31 km.
Travel time: 79 min.
Current time in the locality: 7:50 p.m.

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Bromley North Station (Stop D)  
Bromley Civic Centre (Stop T)
Bromley High Street / The Mall (Stop W)
Bromley South Station (Stop Y)
St Mark'S Church (Stop K)
Queen Anne Avenue (Stop L)
Cumberland Road (Stop H)
Broadoaks Way (Stop J)
Westmoreland Road / Barnfield Wood Road (Stop K)
Brabourne Rise (Stop Pp)
Hayes Lane / Kingswood Road (Stop Pq)
Den Close (Stop Pr)
Scotts Lane Park Langley (Stop Ps)
Kenwood Drive (Stop Pt)
The Chinese Garage (Stop Pu)
Overbury Avenue (Stop Pv)
Chancery Lane Beckenham (Stop M)
Bromley Road / St Georges Church (Stop F)
Manor Road (Stop H)
Beckenham High St / Kelsey Sq (Stop K)
Beckenham High Street / War Memorial (Stop R)
Hayne Road Beckenham (Stop Bp)
Clock House Station (Stop Bn)
Beckenham Road Tram (Stop Bk)
Kent House (Stop Bl)
Clevedon Road
Penge / Sainsbury'S (Stop K)
Penge / Pawleyne Arms (Stop H)
Avenue Road (Stop J)
Anerley Road / Oak Grove Road (Stop K)
Maple Road (Stop X)
Seymour Villas (Stop Y)
Anerley Road / Anerley Station (Stop H)
Anerley Park (Stop J)
Thicket Road Anerley (Stop K)
Crystal Palace Station (Stop P)
Anerley Hill / Crystal Palace (Stop F)
Crystal Palace Parade (Stop B)
Crystal Palace Parade / College Road (Stop W)
Dulwich Wood Park / College Road (Stop A)
Dulwich Wood Park / Kingswood Drive (Stop B)
Gipsy Hill (Stop E)
Alleyn Road (Stop Wm)
Church Approach (Stop Wn)
South Croxted Road (Stop Wp)
Park Hall Road (Stop Wq)
Lings Coppice (Stop Wr)
Croxted Road / Thurlow Park Rd (Stop Ws)
Pymers Mead (Stop Wu)
Turney Road (Stop Wv)
Croxted Close (Stop Z)
Norwood Road (Stop J)
Brockwell Park (Stop H)
Herne Hill Station (Stop L)
Brockwell Lido (Stop S)
Chaucer Road / Effra Parade (Stop T)
Brixton Water Lane (Stop V)
Morval Road (Stop N)
St Matthews Estate (Stop P)
Lambeth Town Hall (Stop X)
Brixton Station (Stop R)
Brixton Road / Brixton Police Station (Stop D)
Villa Road (Stop Ra)
Loughborough Road (Stop Rb)
Groveway (Stop Rc)
Hillyard Street (Stop Rd)
Vassall Road (Stop Re)
St. Mark'S Church Kennington (Stop H)
Kennington Park Post Office (Stop U)
Windmill Row (Stop Kp)
Kennington Lane (Stop Kh)
Fitzalan Street (Stop Kg)
Kennington Road / Imperial War Museum (Stop F)
Pratt Walk
Horseferry Road (Stop Nk)
Westminster Station / Parliament Square (Stop A)
Horse Guards Parade
Trafalgar Square (Stop T)
Regent Street / St James'S (Stop Y)
Piccadilly Circus (Stop E)
Beak Street / Hamleys Toy Store (Stop L)
Oxford Circus Station (Stop Rc)
Margaret Street /Oxford Circus (Stop Re)
Oxford Circus Stn /Margaret St (Stop Rf)  
Conduit Street / Hamleys Toy Store (Stop T)
Piccadilly Circus (Stop F)
Haymarket / Charles Ii Street (Stop P)
Trafalgar Square (Stop A)
Whitehall / Trafalgar Square (Stop M)
Whitehall / Horseguards Avenue (Stop P)
Horse Guards Parade
Westminster Station / Parliament Square (Stop F)
St Thomas' Hospital / County Hall (Stop E)
Lower Marsh (Stop K)
Lambeth North (Stop A)
Kennington Road / Imperial War Museum (Stop S)
Fitzalan Street (Stop Kf)
Kennington Lane (Stop Ke)
Windmill Row (Stop Kq)
Kennington Park Post Office (Stop X)
St. Mark'S Church Kennington (Stop K)
Vassall Road (Stop Rh)
Groveway (Stop Rj)
Loughborough Road (Stop Rk)
Villa Road (Stop Rl)
Brixton Road / Brixton Police Station (Stop F)
Brixton Station (Stop Q)
St Matthew'S Church (Stop Za)
St Matthews Estate (Stop A)
Morval Road (Stop B)
Dalberg Road / Effra Parade (Stop Q)
Milton Road (Stop R)
Brockwell Lido (Stop Z)
Herne Hill Station (Stop N)
Brockwell Park (Stop G)
Guernsey Grove (Stop K)
Turney Road (Stop Wd)
Pymers Mead (Stop We)
Croxted Road / Thurlow Park Rd (Stop Wf)
Lings Coppice (Stop Wg)
Ildersly Grove (Stop Wh)
Park Hall Road (Stop Wj)
Church Approach (Stop Wk)
South Croxted Road (Stop Wl)
Gipsy Hill (Stop D)
Dulwich Wood Park / Kingswood Drive (Stop Q)
Dulwich Wood Park / College Road (Stop R)
Crystal Palace Parade / College Road (Stop S)
Crystal Palace Parade (Stop A)
Crystal Palace Park / Anerley Hill (Stop E)
Crystal Palace Station (Stop M)
Hamlet Road (Stop A)
Thicket Road Anerley (Stop B)
Anerley Road / Anerley Station (Stop C)
Seymour Villas (Stop D)
Betts Way (Stop U)
Anerley Road / Croydon Road (Stop V)
Anerley Road / Oak Grove Road (Stop E)
Avenue Road (Stop F)
Penge / Pawleyne Arms (Stop G)
Penge / Sainsbury'S (Stop J)
Clevedon Road
Kent House (Stop Ba)
Beckenham Road Tram (Stop Bb)
Clock House Station (Stop Bc)
Beckenham Library (Stop Bd)
Hayne Road Beckenham (Stop Be)
Beckenham High Street / War Memorial (Stop P)
Manor Road (Stop J)
Bromley Road / St Georges Church (Stop E)
Chancery Lane Beckenham (Stop L)
Overbury Avenue (Stop Pa)
The Chinese Garage (Stop Pb)
Kenwood Drive (Stop Pc)
Scotts Lane Park Langley (Stop Pd)
Den Close (Stop Pe)
Hayes Lane / Kingswood Road (Stop Pf)
Brabourne Rise (Stop Ph)
Westmoreland Road / Barnfield Wood Road (Stop E)
Broadoaks Way (Stop F)
Westmoreland Rd /Cumberland Rd (Stop G)
Queen Anne Avenue (Stop D)
St Mark'S Church (Stop E)
Bromley South Station (Stop B)
Elmfield Road / The Mall (Stop U)
Bromley Civic Centre (Stop Q)
Bromley Town Hall (Stop Q)
West Street Bromley (Stop M)
Bromley North Station

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